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Firmware/client release 2014.01

After a week of fixing things for the Crazyflie firmware/software RC (release candidate) we have now tagged and built the final release 2014.01 of the crazyflie PC client and firmware. Last week we listed the changes, but for the final version we also made improvements for the logging and communication. This mostly effects the connection and downloading of TOCs and parameters, which improves the connection reliability.


With this release there are some updates to the Python API for the Crazyflie. In order to more easily keep the examples in sync with the API we have added some basic examples in the example folder in the repository. We will also update the wiki with these changes.

To download the new version the links are:

2 comments on “Firmware/client release 2014.01

  • when trying to sync the computer to the helicopter it will not work. Using windows 8.1. Brand new out of the box and my son is very sad. Trying to get his new copter working…..

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