It’s been over six months since our last Crazyflie 1.0/2.0 firmware release and it was about time to do a new one. We have always had the idea to release often but can’t really say we have succeed. Something we are trying to improve but it has turned out to be really hard. Since it has been quite some time since the last release a lot of things have happens. To summarize the bigger ones:
- There is now a Kalman filter option to use with the Loco Positioning system and hopefully later with other systems such as GPS and camera based systems (thanks to @mikehamer)
- Improved altitude hold
- Rewrites of low level code to improve stability
- Architecture updated to support on-board position awareness
- New streamlined I2C driver
- Driver for Loco Positioning deck
- CMSIS-DSP added to the firmware project
- Improved PID tuning for the Crazyflie 2.0 (thanks to @theseankelly)
- More reliable radio communication link
Please go to this page for instructions about how to upgrade to release 2016.09