2020 has arrived! We are back after a long and nice holiday and are ready for new awesome year. So what’s happening in 2020 at Bitcraze?
Frequently we will go through a hectic period of releasing new hardware and adding new features that’s followed by a period of stabilization and maintenance. Since last fall we released a number of new products and added lots of new functionality to the Crazyflie, this spring it’s time to look back, finish up and make things more stable.
First up this year is to release a few of the products we didn’t manage to get out during the fall, the AI-deck and the Active marker deck. The first batches should be ready during the beginning of 2020 and we are really excited to see what our users will do with the new hardware.

Secondly we will be focusing on getting the Lighthouse deck out of Early Access. After the release last year we’ve added lots of functionality such as full pose using only a single base-station, but we’re still missing Lighthouse V2 support. In order to finish up we need to make the system easier to use and to add the V2 support.
The third thing we will be focusing on is stability and usability. We’re really happy about the ecosystem that exists around the Crazyflie platform. With lots of hard work and help/contributions from our community it’s become rather extensive over the years. But with the ecosystem and feature-set continuing to grow it’s not always easy to keep up.
The last thing we will be looking at is to continue adding more swarm-related functionality to simplify the task of flying multiple Crazyflies at the same time. Some of the features we’ve been discussing are: improved positioning, improved communication, drone health, trajectories and so on.
In order to handle the growing product portfolio and Crazyflie platform we’ll also continue growing the team during 2020. Hopefully there will more news on this already during the coming weeks :-)
With a long list of new customers, a growing ecosystem and lots of interesting things to come, we’re really looking forward to an exciting and fun year at Bitcraze! Oh, and as always there’s a few new hardware prototypes cooking… Happy New Year!