2023 has already begun, and we have some ideas and hopes on what this new year will mean for Bitcraze. Of course, what 2022 has proven to us is that the world is unpredictable; but it doesn’t stop us from dreaming about our future. So here is what’s in our wishlist for 2023!
We dedicated a good part of the winter to get a new, updated and better Crazyradio, that we will present to you sometime this year. Rumor around the office is that it will solve all problems you can think of, related to communication!
And, even though it’s been a long run, we hope to soon get the Big Quad deck and Bolt out of early access. There are still some things to tweak and documentation to write.
The Nimble + should arrive soon in the store, a drone with flapping wings powered by the Bolt and designed by our friends at Flapper Drones.
There’s always a drawer at Bitcraze that’s full of ideas and prototypes. What we lack to make them come true is time ! We are constantly wondering which of those treasures that will be our next product, and I can’t say anything is for certain, but to give you some ideas, we’ve been playing around with the idea of a brushless Crazyflie, a Glow deck, and are definitely updating some of our current decks.
We really enjoyed meeting people at fairs once again after 2 years of staying put. We don’t know at which conference you will be able to catch us (yet), but we’ll most definitely attend at least 2.
And we will not loose track of our users and hope to get feedback and input as much as possible during our dev meetings or even mini-BAMs.
We’re still actively looking for teammates, and we hope there’s someone out there that will join us in 2023! Send us a CV if you’re interested.
External dependencies
The components crisis hit us hard in 2020, but it seems we’re gradually coming back to normal. While the world is still full of surprises, we’re happy to have enough stability to still be doing what we like, through pandemics or recessions. Of course, we much rather prefer when things are a little less exciting! We’re cautiously optimistic about 2023, hoping that wars will end and that awareness about climate change will bring out the right habits.
Soon we will have our quarterly meeting, where we try to herd and select our passions and ideas into conceivable plans and actions.
We’re never sure if one year is enough to see all of our plans and hopes go through, but 2023 is still brand new with a lot of possibilities, that we plan to grab with passion. May this new year bring you excitement and passion too!