When we originally wrote the TDoA3 implementation for the Loco Positioning System back in 2017 we had the idea of adding functionality to also enable the Crazyflies to send UWB packets in some situations, AKA TDoA3 Hybrid mode. We did not have the time to implement that idea back then, but through the years there have been some interest in the functionality and recently I finally got around to do it as a Fun Friday project. Annoying enough it was not that complicated and only took a couple of hours, I should have done it earlier!

We wrote a bit about the hybrid mode in an earlier blog post and there is also a github issue with some discussions on the topic. The short version of the functionality is that a Crazyflie at selected times switches from only passively receiving UWB packets from the anchors, to also actively transmitting packets and doing Two Way Ranging (TWR) with the peers in the network.
One use case is for a Crazyflie to simply participate in the TWR traffic to give it ranging information for improved position estimation. This can for instance be useful when flying outside the convex hull where TDoA positioning degrades rapidly while TWR works pretty well.
Another funky use case is to extend a Loco positioning system by using TWR to fly outside the convex hull and land somewhere. At this point the Crazyflie switches role and acts as an anchor instead by including its position in the transmitted packets and enabling other Crazyflies to use the transmissions for TDoA or TWR position estimation.
It is also possible to go even more dynamic and transmit the estimated position while flying and thus act as a flying anchor. There are complications when doing this with multiple Crazyflies as they use information from each other and the estimated positions probably will diverge if errors are not handled in a proper way, but at least there is now a framework where this type of functionality could be added. See the references to research in the area in the previous blog post.
The implementation is very experimental and has not been merged to master yet, but if you are interested you can find it in the krichardsson/hybrid-mode
branch (PR #1330). There are a few new parameters that changes the behavior such as turning on/off transmissions, using TDoA or TWR data for position estimation and what to include in transmitted packets. Please see the implementation and documentation for details. Also note that the hybrid mode functionality is not compiled by default and must be enabled in the build configuration to be available.
very interesting!
I was thinking, would it be possible to use this functionality to get Crazyflie and anchors in a loose time synchronization state? If say, we program the drone to briefly become TWR every 10s or so, couldn’t we get an upper bound of how off the clocks can be?
Yes, but I’m not sure how that could be used.
The UWB clocks mainly change frequency due to changes in temperature of the chip. When you start a cold Loco deck, the clocks change a bit but after a minute they are pretty stable. After receiving a couple of packets from a node you will have a good idea of the clock rate of the remote clock.
Your idea is to turn on TWR temporarily, which would enable other nodes in the system to know about the current clock rate. I guess the question is what to use the information for?