Before we start settling down and preparing for Christmas, it’s time for another release! The last one was before the summer in July, and we’ve had quite a few changes on the development master branch that we’d like to share. You can now download the latest Cfclient through pip and install the newest firmware on the Crazyflie to 2023.11 via the CFclient.

Latest changes in CFclient and Cflib
The most significant change in the CFclient is that we have finally transitioned from QT5 to QT6 for the GUI graphics. Additionally, we have addressed some issues with the toolboxes. Finally, we have added an information box to indicate the state of the supervisor, such as whether the Crazyflie is considered tumbled, flying, or if a restart is required because it is locked.

For the backend, namely the Crazyflie Python library, some important changes have been implemented. Along with fixes to the parameter and logging framework, full-state setpoints have been introduced. This feature has existed in firmware for a while due to the Crazyswarm1 project (now Crazyswarm2), but it wasn’t implemented in the cflib until now. Additionally, it’s now necessary to use `notify_setpoint_stop` in cases of switching between high-level setpoints and regular position setpoints. There is also a generic motion capture example now based on the libmotioncapture library.
Note that even though the CFclient has been converted to QT6, there are several examples in the Cflib folder that have not been updated yet. This will be fixed soon, and a ticket has been created for it. Additionally, in the Bitcraze-VM, there have been some reported issues with QT6 (see this ticket).
Latest changes in the firmware
The firmware has undergone some important changes too. On the STM side of things, the hybrid TDOA mode has been merged (check out this recent blog post). This feature is still considered experimental, so please refer to the documentation for the right settings. Additionally, support for the supervisor information box in the CFclient has been added. To utilize it, both the firmware and CFclient need to be updated. There is also a new example demonstrating communication between gap8 and cpx. Last but not least, it is now possible to create Python bindings for portions of the Kalman filter, mainly for the Loco positioning system. On the other hand, the NRF firmware has no added functionalities except for some build changes and fixes.
Crazyradio2 + LPS tools
We’ve also made some improvements in other firmware or tools. Starting with the Crazyradio2, which includes fixes for broadcasting (important for you Crazyswarm2 folks!). We also aimed to make a new release of LPS tools since we heard that people were experiencing issues with USB devices. Unfortunately, there are some problems with the GitHub release actions, so that will likely be delayed. For anyone facing USB issues, you can install the LPS tools from source with Python following the ReadMe’s instructions.
Release details and Remaining issues
So here are the details of all that is released:
- Crazyflie-release release 2023.11 with
- Crazyflie-clients-python release 2023.11
- Crazyflie-lib-python release 0.1.24
- Crazyradio2-firmware release 1.1
Some things still require attention that are a bit affected by this release, but we haven’t had the time to fix it yet:
- Fix issues with LPS tools and release (see this ticket)
- CFclient seems to be broken on the bitcraze-VM (see this ticket)
- CFlib examples with QT-based GUI are still on QT5 (see this ticket)
- The newest CFclient seems to need additional packages in some cases ( see this and this ticket)
Please let us know at if you are having more problems.
Developer meeting this Wednesday
As we already announced last week in the Monday blog post, we will be having a developer meeting this Wednesday (6th Dec, 3 pm CET) regarding the Flow deck (refer to this discussion thread for joining information). Since we usually don’t fill up the entire hour, the last part of the developer meeting is available for some generic support questions face-to-face (online), including questions about the release!