Two weeks ago, Arnaud, Barbara and Rik were at ICRA 2024 in Yokohama. At our booth we showed our current products as well as the upcoming brushless Crazyflie and the camera deck prototype.

As usual, the conference has been very busy with a lot of visitors and a lot of very interesting discussion. Thanks to everyone that passed by the booth, we have come back to Sweden with a lot of energy and new ideas!
The autonomous lighthouse swarm demo demo has worked pretty well. If you are interested to know more about it you can visit our event page. It is an autonomous demo with 3 brushless Crazyflies and 6 Crazyflie 2.1s flying autonomously. With the extended battery life of the brushless, we could operate the demo pretty much continuously.
If you’ve been at the conference, you may have spotted someone proudly sporting our exclusive ‘Bitcraze took my poster’ button. We’re excited to have received posters covering a wide range of topics, the walls of our office are eagerly awaiting these visual representations of your hard work and dedication. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.