“What? You are in Japan? Again!?”. Yup that is right! We loved IROS Kyoto 2022 so much that we just couldn’t wait to come back again. Barbara, Arnaud and Rik are setting up the booth as we speak to show some Bitcraze awesomeness to you! Come and say hi at booth IC085.

Crazyflie Brushless and Camera expansion
Of all the prototypes we are the most excited of showing you the Crazyflie Brushless and the ‘forward facing expansion connector prototype’ aka the Camera deck. Here you can see them both in action at a tryout of our demo. We have also written blogposts about both so make sure to read them as well (Brushless blogpost, Camera expansion blogpost)
Also we will explain about the contact charging prototype (see the blogpost here) and will be showing all of our decks at the booth as well. And of course our fully autonomous, onboard, decentralized peer-to-peer and avoiding swarm demo will be displayed as always. Make sure to read this blogpost of when we showed this demo at IROS 2022 to understand what is fully going on!
Also take a look at our event page of the ICRA 2024 demo.
Hand in your Crazyflie posters at our booth!
We will be providing a ‘special disposal service’ for your conference poster! We would love to see what you are working on and get your poster, because we have a lot of space in our updated office/flight space but a lot of empty walls.
If you hand in your poster at the booth, you’ll get a special, one-of-a-kind, button badge that you can wear proudly during the conference! So we will see you at booth IC085!