We’re happy to announce that the 2023.02 release is available for download!

The main new features of this release are:
Out of tree controllers
We have made it easier to add a new controller to the firmware in the Crazyflie. Controllers can now be added in an app, the same way as an estimator can be added. The main advantage is that all the code is contained in the app which makes it easy to upgrade the underlying firmware when new releases are available. You can read about how to use this feature in the firmware repository documentation.
Support to configure ESCs with BLHeli Configurator
On brushless Crazyflies, ESCs can now be configured using the BLHeli Configurator. See PR #1170
A UKF (Unscented Kalman Filter) state estimator has been added
An Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) estimator has been added based by Klaus Kefferpütz from the paper ‘Error-State Unscented Kalman-Filter for UAV Indoor Navigation‘. The estimator is still slightly experimental and does not yet support all positioning methods (see this issue). Because of this, it is not available by default, but you can try it by enabling it using kbuild! You can read about the UKF estimator in the repository documentation.
Platform filter in client flash dialog
A filter has been added to the bootloader dialog in the client to make it easier to find the correct release. Releases are now filtered based on platform to avoid the clutter of mixing releases for cf2, tag, bolt and flapper.
Stability and bug fixes
We have fixed several bugs in the firmware and client software that, but you can check the release notes for each of these for further details.
Release details
The following has been released:
Deprecation policy
We have created a simple deprecation policy to clarify future changes of the APIs. The short version is that we from now on will mention deprecated functionality in release notes and that the deprecated functionality will remain in the code base for 6 months before it is removed. Please see the development overview for more information.