Last week our brand new 47-17 (47mm diameter, 17mm pitch) Crazyflie 2.X propeller became available in black and green in the shop! It is a custom designed propeller for the 0.8mm shaft, 7×16 coreless brushed motor, that comes with the Crazyflie 2.X. The improved design boosts the efficiency, both flight time and maximum thrust is increased with up to 15%. It is made in polycarbonate (PC) which makes it more durable so that it will withstand crashes better. The new propeller is better then the stock 45-17 in almost all areas except in noise where the new 47-17 propeller runs at a higher RPM. Below is a graph comparing the two propellers using the thrust stand we previously built. The graph is a bit messy but hopefully you can figure it out! The big takeaway is that the 45-35 propeller tops at ~4 g/W while the 47-17 tops at ~4.7 g/W using the stock 7×16 motor.

Staircase Red/Blue: kRPM.
The Crazyflie 2.1 kit will continue to be shipped with the “stock” 45-35 propeller. At some point we want to switch to the new propeller in the kit. We don’t know when this will happen yet and will of course announce it here at that point :-).