New research video compilation

It’s now become a tradition to create a video compilation showcasing the most visually stunning research projects that feature the Crazyflie. Since our last update, so many incredible things have happened that we felt it was high time to share a fresh collection.

As always, the toughest part of creating these videos is selecting which projects to highlight. There are so many fantastic Crazyflie videos out there that if we included them all, the final compilation would last for hours! If you’re interested, you can find a more extensive list of our products used in research here.

The video covers 2023 and 2024 so far. We were once again amazed by the incredible things the community has accomplished with the Crazyflie. In the selection, you can see the broad range of research subjects the Crazyflie can be a part of. It has been used in mapping, or swarms – even in heterogeneous swarms! With its small size, it has also been picked for human-robot interaction projects (including our very own Joseph La Delfa showcasing his work). And it’s even been turned into a hopping quadcopter!

Here is a list of all the research that has been included in the video:

But enough talking, the best way to show you everything is to actually watch the video:

A huge thank you to all the researchers we reached out to and who agreed to showcase their work! We’re especially grateful for the incredible footage you shared with us—some of it was new to us, and it truly adds to the richness of the compilation. Your contributions help highlight the fantastic innovations happening within the Crazyflie community. Let’s hope the next compilation also shows projects with the Brushless!

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