These are the videos of ‘Getting Started on the Crazyflie’ presentation that Bitcraze gave for 2020 ‘Aerial Robotics’ course as part of the Master in Robotics Colloquium of EPFL. We were invited by Dario Floreano and Fabrizio Schiano of the EPFL-LIS lab to introduce the students to the Crazyflie 2.1, the Flowdeck and the stabilization module.
Part 1
- 00:00 Introduction EPFL-LIS
- 01:02 Introduction Bitcraze
- 05:58 The eco system
- 09:21 Demo Lighthouse System
- 13:05 Client Software and Communication
- 15:11 Hands-on: connecting to CFclient
- 16:35 Crazyflie Hardware
- 18:31 Hands-on: Plotting tab IMU
- 20:34 Expansion Decks - Flowdeck
- 25:27 Hands-on: CFclient Flowdeck
- 31:46 Example with Flowdeck
Part 2
- 00:00 Start second hour
- 01:35 Software Modules Crazyflie
- 05:10 State Estimation
- 08:59 Measurement model Flowdeck
- 16:46 Hands-on: show position estimates
- 22:44 State Controllers
- 28:16 Crazyflie flying PID tuning
- 35:55 Setpoint Commanders
- 37:33 Example Highlevel commander
- 39:03 Hands-on: Multiranger Push demo python
- 48:22 Conclusion