Author: Arnaud

We were at Maker faire bay area 2015 and that was an awesome experience! Thanks a lot to everyone that came to meet us.

Bitcraze booth

Our demos finally worked quite well. We had a Crazyflie flying autonomously for a total of about 24 hours during the faire and we could play music using a Crazyflie with a Buzzer expansion boards.

We are still in the US with limited Internet access but as soon as we return to the hyper-connected Sweden we will push codes and documentation Online so that you too can get autonomous flight with your Kinect 2.

Recently I got a Chromebook, mostly out of curiosity for this odd “computer that runs only a web browser”. While playing with Google dev tools I quickly saw a possibility to make a Crazyflie client as a Chrome app: the Chrome API provides USB connectivity,and HTML5 has a javascript gamepad API. A chrome app is designed to look and feel like a native application: the app does not require internet connection and is launched in its own window.

This week-end I finally got around to test it, it’s not pretty but it works :-)


The current functionality is:

  • Channel and datarate can be changed
  • Read input from a gamepad, the mapping is fixed to mode 3 and the sensitivity is fixed
  • Sends set-points to Crazyflie 33 times per seconds.

I haven’t had time to do any layout work on it (that is pretty obvious in the screenshoot :) ), but the plan is to use Angular Material to handle the GUI.

This is only a proof of concept but we are seeing a lot of potential: the Chrome app runs on Linux, Mac, Windows and Chromebook, is easy to install and is written in HTML/CSS/Javascript which seems to be a very popular platform nowadays.

I have pushed the code on Github so if anyone is interested in helping to shape up the app head to the forum to read the discussion about it.


Last Saturday it was Arduino day 2015 and it happens that the Arduino office in Sweden is in the same building as ours. So we where invited and presented Crazyflie. It was a really fun event with a lot of interesting people passing  by and we had a lot of fun.

Arduino day 2015

There was also Helium balloon, which gave us a perfect occasion to use the blimp hack we did more than a year ago. We attached a brunch of ‘Arduino colored’ balloon to it and flew it around using the Deviation TX. It is definitly something we have to port to Crazyflie 2.o.


Finally as the event was hosted by Arduino, and we do not have Arduino compatibility (yet … ; ), we thought we would make something with Arduino and present it. We ended up making a Crazyflie Controller using an Arduino and using a thumb stick and ultrasonic distance sensor that was lying around the office. We attached everything to a glove to make it a ‘wearable’ controller.




glove_action glove_closeup

The glove is working as follow: you place your hand over a hard surface (concrete floor or table), click the thumb-stick button to set the zero and from now-on rising the hand higher will increase the Crazyflie thrust. Then the thumb-stick can be used to steer the Crazyflie. The program is quite simple and implemented in a single loop.

Technically the most work has been put in enabling the serial port of the Crazyradio so that the Arduino can send commands to the Crazyflie using the Crazyradio directly without a computer. As there is a lot of pins available on Crazyradio and a voltage regulator capable of accepting up to ~16V, the aim has always been to be able to use it as a radio module for other system. Our first thought was PPM input, but now serial control will also be possible. We are still cleaning up the code and working on other new functionality on the Crazyradio. We plan to release a new firmware soon that will support PPM, UART and a more efficient USB protocol to communicate with many Crazyflies using one radio dongle.

Lately we have merged a new input subsystem to the Crazyflie python client, it allows for more flexible input configuration like connecting more than one gamepad in training mode, or having external input like the LeapMotion appear as standard input. To test the flexibility of the new input system, on Friday, we implemented a ØMQ input driverØMQ is a library that permits to easily transmit messages between program. It is high speed, low latency and extremely easy to use. It has binding and implementation for a lot of programming language, which opens Crazyflie control to a lot more people and application.

The way it currently work is: You connect the graphical Crazyflie client and select ZMQ as input device. You connect the ØMQ socket and send json to it containing pitch/roll/yaw/thrust. And voila, you are controlling Crazyflie from your own program.

We just got a Kinect 2 and started playing around with it, suddenly the new ØMQ control became very useful. We already worked with the kinect long time ago so we had control code from back then. Also we wanted to quickly do a proof of concept so we started working with the Microsoft SDK to see what is possible, we are going to use libfreenect2 on Linux later. Finally we know how hard it was to control the thrust so we wanted a way to test pitch/roll first as a proof of concept. At the end of the day we ended up with this architecture in the office:


The C++ implementation in visual studio detects the Crazyflie and sends coordinate to the Controller python script. The controller script is a stripped down version of or previous kinect experiment and only runs PID control loops to control pitch and roll, trying to keep Crazyflie at a fixed coordinate in space. Finally the Crazyflie client is setup in training mode with ZMQ handling pitch and roll and the gamepad handling thust and yaw. The gamepad can take-over completely in case of problem.

Thanks to ZMQ resiliance we can stop any part of the system and start it again, the connections automagically reappears. So we ended up with the following workflow:

  • Fly in the Kinect detection area
  • hand-over pitch/roll to the controller loop
  • When the Crazyflie starts oscillating or going away, take over control and land
  • Stop controller, modify things, restart

This was quite painless and nice. We ended-up connecting together very different systems and they just worked. We got so interested by the experiment that we now have a full ZMQ Crazyflie server on the work that would allow other program to do what is possible with the standard Crazyflie API: scan for Crazyflie, connect, read and write log and params.


Some time ago we decided that it would be nice to have a name for the Crazyflie expansion boards, a bit like the Arduino shields or the Beagle bone capes. We organized a poll on our website, that ended with cheating so we organized a local vote and flykit won. In second place was the deck. Over time we started liking deck more and more since it fits better with the actual look of the boards. Finally we pushed ourselves to decide on one and we went with deck. This comes from the naming of floor in ships, planes and (more importantly) space ships. We also though we could write a bit about the Crazyflie 2.0 expantion capabilities and the deck architecture. In this post we are forcing ourselves to say deck instead of expansion port, lets see how it goes :-).

On Crazyflie 2.0 decks can be installed both on top and bottom. Each deck we make has a symbol indicating its correct orientation:

deck_conf  Expansion board orientation


Lots of signals and functionality has been routed from the Crazyflie 2.0 to the deck port:



The OW pin is used to connect a One Wire memory with a specific data format, this allows Crazyflie 2.0 to know which board is connected and to activate automatically the right driver, so this is kind of plug-and-play. This is currently used to enable the LED ring deck driver. The aim is to develop an API that will allow anyone to easily create decks that would be automatically detected by Crazyflie.

The deck architecture opens lots of possibility. We’ve already made the LED ring that faces down, but it would be possible to make one that faces up as well. In the future we hope to have have ground facing camera, GPS boards, Camera boards. And more than one can be installed at the same time. We also investigate doing bigger expansion board for example to have Crazyflie acting as the brain for a bigger quad.

On the firmware front, we are finishing the merge of Crazyflie 1 and Crazyflie 2 firmware. Currently the source code for Crazyflie 1 and Crazyflie 2 is on two different branches which makes it harder to maintain both of them. We have come so far that we have a working merge that can compile and fly either for CF1 or for CF2. There are loots of cleaning up to be done before it can be pushed though but we are giving a heads up as the changes will affect forks that are doing rebase as well as pull requests.

The Crazyflie 2.0 supports two types of radio protocols out of the box: ESB (Enhanced ShockBurst) for Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA USB dongle compatibility and  Bluetooth LE for mobile devices. All Crazyflie 2.0’s are shipped with a radio bootloader, able to update virtually all the different parts of the firmware running in Crazyflie 2.0. We thought we would do a post to explain a bit further how it all fits together. Even though the Crazyflie 2.0 supports Bluetooth LE, the preferred way is to use the Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA when doing development. Flying via Bluetooth is very practical since there’s no additional hardware needed except for a mobile device, but the Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA has minimal latency, more bandwidth and works easily with computer. This makes it ideal for development and other advanced usage.

(On a side note, some of our products are currently out of stock (like the Crazyradio PA and LED-ring). We have started the next batches, so they should arrive soon. Until then have a look at our distributor page to find our products.)

Crazyflie 2.0 architecture

For the radio of Crazyflie 2.0 we choose the nRF51822. The great thing with this chip is that it integrates a radio compatible with our existing Crazyradio USB dongle as well as with Bluetooth Low Energy. The nRF51 also integrates an ARM Cortex-M0 MCU enabling radio protocols to be implemented directly in the chip. However this MCU is not powerful enough to be used by itself in our quadcopter development platform, so we put a powerful STM32F4 Cortex-M4 168MHz on the side to do the heavy work.

The nRF51 mainly handles radio and power management and the STM32F4 handles all the rest: flight control, expansion port, log, param, etc. As far as the radio is concerned the nRF51 act as a bridge: CRTP packets are received by the nRF51 and sent unmodified to the STM32F4 and the STM32F4 sends raw CRTP packets to the nRF51 that transmit it by the radio. This means that the STM32 firmware is unaware of the physical communication protocol, it can be Bluetooth, Shockburst or something else, it makes no difference it is still CRTP packets. CRTP is the protocol used to control Crazyflie, it encapsulates all commands and messages exchanged between the client and the Crazyflie.

Enhanced Shockburst (ESB)

Enhanced Shockburst is a radio physical protocol implemented in some Nordic Semiconductor 2.4GHz radio chips. In the nRF24 chip, used by Crazyradio (PA) and the original Crazyflie, this protocol is implemented in hardware and we have little control over it. The nRF51 used in Crazyflie 2.0 offers more control on the radio physical packet and ESB since it’s implemented in software instead.

ESB handles ack and retries: The Crazyradio sends a packet on a given channel and waits for an ack. If a Crazyflie receives the packet without error it sends an ack packet. If an ack is received, the Crazyradio can send the next packet. If no ack is received Crazyradio will automatically retry by sending the same packet again. The current implementation will retry to send a packet forever, so all packet are guaranteed to be transmitted as long as a Crazyflie is in range. Packets are sent back by the Crazyflie by adding a data payload to the ack packet. Close to 80 different channel can be used and every packet is sent with an access address, so more than one Crazyflie could share the same channel.

Enhanced Shockburst using the Crazyradio (PA) offers the lowest latency that can be expected. The minimum latency to send a packet is estimated to about 2ms (1ms minimum for USB and 1ms measured latency for the radio at 2Mbps without any retries). With the Crazyflie 2.0 and the Crazyradio PA it also offers the maximum range with 20dBm power output.

For the original Crazyflie there is an implementation of the E-sky RC transmitter protocol. This permits controlling the Crazyflie directly from an RC transmitter. It is technically possible to implement this protocol in the Crazyflie 2.0 nRF51, but it hasn’t been done yet.

Bluetooth Low Energy

In the Crazyflie 2.0 Bluetooth low energy is implemented as a CRTP bridge: CRTP packet are written and read using Bluetooth. This simplifies greatly the implementation, but does not make full use of the Bluetooth LE functionality. It is planned to add more Bluetooth capabilities for things like communicating the battery status and being able to switch ON or OFF the Crazyflie with a mobile devices.

On the nRF51 side the Bluetooth functionality is implemented using the Nordic Semiconductor S110 Bluetooth stack. This stack runs independently of the firmware. Nordic calls this a softdevice and it’s a fitting description of how it works. It almost looks like a hardware device from the firmware point of view as it is not linked into the main firmware.

However we do not currently have the right to distribute the supporting files for the stack, so unfortunately you will have to download them yourself if you want to compile your own nRF51 Bluetooth firmware. To do so you must own a Nordic Semiconductor development kit. Even though some of the kits are pretty cheap, we do not like this situation at all so we are working on solving it. However we made sure that it is possible to compile the nmRF51 firmware without Bluetooth, to avoid the added dependencies. This means that you can still build your own nRF51 firmware to work with a Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA.

Bootloader/firmware upgrade

The Crazyflie 2.0, like the original Crazyflie, is upgradable wirelessly with radio. The radio bootloader has been enhanced to work both with ESB and Bluetooth LE. Both nRF51 and STM32F4 can be upgraded and it is even possible to upgrade the nRF51 Bluetooth stack and bootloader.

Currently the bootloader is working with Crazyradio on ESB. Bluetooth implementation for iPhone and Android is still work in progress. The STM32F4 can also be upgraded via USB and so, for people that does not have a Crazyradio, the first Crazyflie 2.0 firmware upgrade has been released for USB DFU as well as the classical radio bootloader update package.

It seems that many have received their Crazyflie 2.0 now. It is a very exciting time for us, tell us what you think about your Crazylie 2.0 and if you have any problems. We wish you Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a lot of fun with your new Crazyflie 2.0!

Getting started

The instructions and documentation are not really as finished as we would like them to be but we hope it is good enough for everyone to get started. For convenience we have put together a sets of links to find the information easier.

Crazyflie 2.0 – Getting started
Crazyflie 2.0 – Wiki
Crazyflie 2.0 – FAQ
Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA – Wiki
Crazyradio/Crazyradio PA – Windows driver installation
Android App
iOS App

Expansion port

The expansion port is a core functionality and it is important that it is easy to work with. The hardware part of the expansion port allows to easily attach custom electronic to the Crazyflie 2.0, making it a very versatile platform. We want to bring this convenience to the firmware and software development as well. We are not really there yet but would like to share our ideas of how we think, but also as an inspiration and to get valuable feedback.

As you might know we have added One-Wire memories on all our expansion board so that CF2 is able to detect which expansion board is connected. The intent is to automatically initialize the expansion board driver when a board is detected so that the firmware can contain all the expansion board drivers. Other benefits are that the resources easier can be shared but also blocked if there are conflicts between boards.

Currently we are in a state where we have made a prototype of how we want the driver to look like and work. The example/mock-up driver we have put together is for the traffic light hack we have written about earlier. The driver would just declare which expansion board it is supporting and it would be loaded automatically. Also some enhancement to the parameter API would allow for more declarative and short code.

Things will be a little bit slow here at Bitcraze during Christmas period as we are focusing on support and on our families. This is however definitely one or our focus when we start 2015. We will create issues to track this work in the Crazyflie firmware bug tracker, contributions are welcome :).

Bluetooth support

We have also published the rest of the Crazyflie firmware, the nRF51 has firmware, bootloader and a ‘Master Boot Switch’. The STM32F4 has bootloader and firmware. The nRF51 bootloader and firmware supports bluetooth low energy using a proprietary stack from Nordic Semiconductor. This stack architecture should play well with open source software as it is completly isolated from the firmware, it runs on the background and is interfaced with syscall (ie. the same way a program communicates with an OS in computers), Nordic call that a Softdevice. The problem is that the supporting libs that allows to access the softdevice is currently proprietary and we do not have the right to publish it.

Currently you can compile the nRF51 firmware in ESB (Enhanced Shock Burst) mode (ie. to communicate with Crazyradio) out of the box. To compile with BLE support you should download the S110 Softdevice and nrf51_sdk from Nordic Semiconductor and this requires you to have one of the Nordic kit. We are in communication with Nordic to fix this situation and will keep you updated. One nice thing about the nRF51 is that the radio is well documented so one way or another this is going to be solved: either we can distribute supporting files for the Nordic stack, or we make our own stack ;-).

Virtual machine

The virtual machine for the Crazyflie 2.0 is on its way, but as we have run into some problems, it has been delayed a bit. Now most of the problems has been fixed and we hope to release it any day now.

The workload is still huge and now it is starting to take its toll, we are really looking forward to a short vacation around Christmas! But even though we will be off, we will still be checking the support forum. Meanwhile we are doing our best to continue to march on and we managed to write some new documentation and also pushed some new releases. Please have a look at last week post which we have updated and will continue to update as we push them out.

Unbalanced CCW propellers

After receiving the final production version we have found that many of the CCW propellers (not marked with an A) shipped with Crazyflie 2.0 are a bit too unbalanced. This might cause vibration that will affects the flight performance. To get the best flight performance the propellers, especially CCW, might need to be balanced. Balancing the propellers is pretty easy, all you need is a needle and some office tape. We have put together a step by step guide on how to balance them and also updated the general assembly instructions to include balancing. We are currently investigating this with the propeller manufacturer and we will keep updating about it. If you have any questions or concerns drop by our support forum.

Firmware update

Yesterday we released a new version of the Crazyflie 2.0 firmware. This version fixes an issue that was triggered by the motor PWM frequency interfering with the one of the voltage regulators causing the Crazyflie 2.0 to shut-off if the thrust increased too fast. Doubling the PWM frequency fixed this issue completely. We also adjusted the gyro and accelerometer low pass filters a bit to handle vibrations from unbalanced propellers a bit better.

Crazyflie 2.0 can be updated with Crazyradio using the latest version of the Crazyflie client, with the update zip. Documentation of the update process is on the wiki. We also made a USB dfu update zip for people that do not have the Crazyradio. Instruction for the DFU is in the README.txt file in the zip file. In the future it will be possible to update Crazyflie 2.0 with the Android and iPhone client as well. This time around the update is for Crazyflie 2.0 only but the plan is to merge both Crazyflie firmware together in order to release everything at the same time.

New Android release

The Android client is also going forward thanks to Fred. This evening we are releasing an update that enhance the GUI and allow the app to run full screen on Android 4.4+. The update is going to be released on the play store.

android client 0.2



We are really eager to hear what you think about the new Crazyflie 2.0, the instructions and everything else around it. So please drop by our feedback topic in the forum, or post your feedback here, to let us know what you think.

We kicked off the Crazyflie 2.0 production about one week ago and we are still working hard on ensuring the best possible quality of the production. To do so we have a test specification/plan that is executed on all the produced units. Making test protocols is something we have had some experience of in our former day-jobs, but it is always a challenging and time consuming task. However the reward is great, good tests ensure good quality to the end user. The higher the production quality is, the happier everyone is, and the more time we have to do other things like developing new features :-).

The tests runs on an assembled PCB and first thing to verify is an electric test checking that voltages and current consumption are normal. Then the board gets programmed.

For the original Crazyflie, the testing was heavily based on the power on self-test. This is still the case with the Crazyflie 2.0 which allows to make sure that everything is working in factory as well as every time a Crazyflie gets powered (this power-on-self-test is the first thing to run before assembling the Crazyflie).

For Crazyflie 2.0 we also needed to create new tests for the expansion port. First of all we needed to check that the connector is mounted properly and that the pins for the expansion port are able to pass though the PCB. Secondly we also have to test the electrical connectivity. For this we have created a special expansion test board which, allows the Crazyflie to self test all expansion connections. This board is detected by the 1-wire memory which is mounted on the test board. When it is inserted it will automatically trigger the test code which checks all connections.

To do tests on a limited budget you will have to get creative. E.g. to do output power and frequency test for the radio communication on the Crazyflie and Crazyradio we are using the rfExplorer. It is a neat cheap 2.4GHz spectrum analyzer that we control from Python which can measure the radio frequency and output power. ICT or bed of nail tests are also very expensive and instead we use test fixtures with pogo-pins to test the electronics. It doesn’t get as extensive as a net checking ICT but with some clever testing using the software most components can be tested anyway. We have added some photos of the original Crazyflie test rig to this post. We will soon travel to the Seeedstudio office in Shenzhen in China and we will take photos of the new production and test equipment.

One of the nice new functionality of Crazyflie 2.0 is the Bluetooth 4.0 low energy (BLE) connectivity. In Crazyflie 2.0 we are using a radio microcontroller chip from Nordic semiconductor, the nRF51822. This radio chip allows us to keep compatibility with the existing Crayradio (and future Crazyradio PA), and to support BLE connectivity as well. The radio chip is a bit bigger that the one we used so far, and with the Power amplifier, we end up having the radio taking more space on the PCB:

The extra footprint is offset by the fact that we are now using smaller sensors and that the nRF51 is also handling the power management thus freeing pins on the main CPU.

The main usage of BLE will be to fly Crazyflie from a compatible mobile device like an Android phone or an Iphone. This could be used both to ‘just fly’ or to develop crazyflie control apps using the mobile phones capabilities. For example the phone camera could be used to detect and control Crazyflie autonomously. We have prototyped the BLE communication both on the existing Android client and for IPhone. The plan is to provide basic apps for the Crazyflie 2.0 release so that the copter can be flown from a mobile device out of the box. So far we have got the copter to fly from both Android and IOS:

We are not planning on implementing any BLE support for the PC client, so Crazyradio is still the main way to communicate with Crazyfle. It is possible to have BLE on PC but it would require a major effort to get it to work for Linux, Windows and Mac (there is no cross-platorm Python BLE lib as far as I know. If there is some please tell me in the comments!). Also Crazyradio is lower latency and has an higher datarate which makes it better for flying and communicating with one or many Crazyflie 2.0 from a PC.

We are also implementing BLE in the bootloader. This means that it will be possible update the Crazyflie 2.0 firmware from both a PC or a mobile device.

Technically we are using the Nordic Semiconductor soft device BLE stack. The stack runs a little bit like an operating system, behind and independently of the firmware: the firmware is not linked to the stack. This will make things a little bit easier to have an open-source firmware even though the nordic bluetooth stack is closed. Another nice thing about the nordic chip is that the radio peripheral is well documented so implementing open source stacks in the future is potentially possible.

Practically we where originally planning to have two modes for the firmware: one Crazyradio and one bluetooth mode. However the new release of the Nordic BLE stack allow to mix BLE and Crazyradio at the same time. So we are working on having a seamless connection procedure between Crazyradio and BLE: when starting Crazyflie 2.0 it will be accessible both via BLE and with the Crazyradio. When connected the unused mode will be disabled until disconnection. Also the name of the copter will be communicated both in BLE and Crazyradio mode and can be changed by the user. This will help a lot people having more than one Crazyflie (us first!) to differentiate them.