Author: Barbara

ICRA Yokohama

From the beginning of the company, we’ve always loved to join in at conferences. Only at a conference do you get the opportunity to show our products, meet our users or other tech-oriented people, learn about what others are doing, and let’s not forget the chance to discover a new place!

This year, we’ll be present at ICRA Yokohama – it’s in just 3 weeks. We’ll have a booth there (IC085 if you’re looking for us). We’ll be showing our autonomous demo with a twist just like we have shown last time, so please check the event page. This demo is extremely impressive and we’ve been improving on it each time we’ve shown it – beginning in our latest Japan trip and lastly at the last ICRA too. What’s new?

We’re really excited to be showing that and receive feedback, but also in hearing about what our users have been doing. ICRA is always a perfect place to catch up on all the amazing papers and publications featuring our hardware, and we couldn’t be prouder of all the cool stuff we’ve seen so far. We’re so proud, in fact, that we want to be able to show off! So, if you have a paper or a publication featured at ICRA, let us know – you can write us an email at, leave a comment below this post, or pass by our booth.

In fact, we’re prepared to make a deal. If you have a nice poster featuring our products and don’t know what to do with it once you’ve presented it, pass by our booth! We’re ready to swap them for something extra special. We plan to have a “hall of fame” at the office featuring your awesome work – in fact, it’s an idea we had last ICRA when someone just offered us their posters. Now, we’d like to cover our walls with them!

The corridor leading to the kitchen – we have space to show off the awesomeness!

So, whether you’re a seasoned conference-goer or a first-time attendee, don’t hesitate to wsing by our booth, say hello, and discover our newest demo! We hope to see you there.

Dev meeting

Next developer meeting is going to be on the 8th of May – we traditionally have a dev meeting every first Wednesday of the month, but this time it happens to be on the 1st of May which is a holiday here in Sweden. So already prepare your calendar for the 8th of May at 15.00 CET, and stay tuned for more info on which topic we’ll talk about!

Crazyflies back in stock !

You may have noticed that the Crazyflies have been out of stock for some time now. After some adventures, we are now fully back in stock with most of our bundles and products available in the shop!

You may have noticed that the HQ propellers, which are a part of the thrust upgrade bundle, have been out of stock for quite some time now. I know that many of you are relying on those propellers for the additional 20 grams of thrust they allow, so I have some news – some good, some bad.

Let’s start with the bad news: our partner and manufacturer, unfortunately, faced some problems with the mold they were using for these propellers- we prepared to face the fact that having our thrust propellers as they were before was not possible anymore. With the mold in this state, we could never go back to the same version of those propellers. To be a little dramatic, the high-quality propellers have taken their final spin. We knew it could take some time to find a good solution, and were prepared to communicate about a long-time shortage of the item.

But now for the good news! Thankfully, the replacement mold our partner used proved to be as good as the previous one – and faster than scheduled. Now back in stock, the HQ propeller can fly as well as its predecessor. We tested it and it showed the same characteristics that we’ve come to expect from the thrust upgrade.

Picture of 4 new HQ ultralight propellers -from a 45 degrees angle

So, what’s the real difference? Well, since it maintains the same level of performance, agility, and stability, not much. They have an updated design and have an added “ultralight” in the name (which sounds cooler, doesn’t it?). Those of you with a keen sense of observation will also notice that they have a new SKU – as well as the thrust upgrade bundle.

All in all, this change will have minimal impact on your flying if you’re used to the thrust upgrade bundle. Don’t hesitate to try out this new version and give us some feedback if you have any!

It’s the first day of the year, and it’s become traditional now at the beginning of a new year to (fore)see what we have in store for 2024.

Here is how we think it will go:


The Christmas video was filled with promising prototypes (it’s here if you missed it!) that we hope to get to your lab in 2024. The Lighthouse deck 2.0 (which allows for positioning from 16 base stations) and the Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless will continue to be in our focus.
We plan also to change a little bit what’s in your Crazyflie 2.1 box. The 47-17 propellers and the longer pin headers will come as standard in the kit, which will be renamed Crazyflie 2.1+ for the occasion.
We have as usual a lot of prototypes that we’re hoping to be able to present to you someday, so keep reading our blogposts to keep you updated!


We are interested in some conferences in 2024. Even though our schedule is not clear, we’re hoping to join at least ICRA in Yokohama and ROScon in Odense.

We will continue the developer meetings – the first in January is actually next Wednesday and should be only a support meeting. You’re welcome to join if you have any questions!

Also we are planning to continue helping to host the Aerial ROS community working group meetings. Moreover, ROScon will be very near us this year as well, so that would be nice to join too.

We’re continuing our collaboration with Flapper Drones, and are also excited to dive into the school education together with Droneblocks!


Even if we’re sad to see Kristoffer pursue new adventures, we’re hoping his gap can be filled soon. We have spent a lot of time in the last months trying to find the next Bitcrazer(s), and hope 2024 will be filled with new faces!

Of course, those are the things we can see coming for us in 2024 – we hope most of them come true!

We wish you a great year, filled with hacking, developping, and flying ideas!

It’s not often a blog post happens on the 25th of December, so this time, you’re having a treat with some new Bitcraze prototypes as a present from us! If you have time to get away from the Christmas table, there’s something we’d love you to watch:

Now let’s try to see if you noticed all the new stuff you see in this video!

Our new flight lab

We teased it, but in the beginning of December, we got our extended flight lab! We added 110 m2 to our flight space. It was a rush to have everything ready for the video – we cleaned everything, painted the walls and the green logo, set up the positioning system without our truss… But now we’re happy to show you how big the space is! Even if it’s hard to convey the real size on camera.

The Crazyflie 2.1 brushless

We already talked about it in this blog post, but the brushless has made significant progress and we feel confident that you will get your hands on it in 2024. Here, we use the extra power for a fast and agile flight. It also was very stable and didn’t crash once during the shooting!

The Lighthouse V2

Yes, you counted right! The Brushless flew with 16 base stations! We’ve worked really hard this past three months to create a new Lighthouse deck – the Lighthouse deck 2.0. It could get its position from 16 base stations. That’s 4 times more than what was previously possible! It behaved consistently well during the different tries, and we are really happy with the result. Right now, it’s just a prototype, but we’re hoping to get it to the next step in the coming months.

The contact charging station

Marcus created a power charger for the Brushless that doesn’t need any extra deck to allow for charging. It connects with the brushless feet. It has also the cool feature of changing LEDs indicating the status (idle, charging or charged). It is also a prototype, and we don’t know if this will end up being a product

The high-power LED

This is trickier to see, but it’s not our usual LED ring that the brushless carries. It’s a new, powerful LED underneath. It is so powerful that it nearly blinded us when we tried it for the first time. We put a diffuser on it, and it allowed the Crazyflie to be visible at such a high pace! This is a prototype too of course and we’re not sure if we will release it, but it’s fun to use for this kind of project.

Other announcements

During this week, our office is closed- we take this week to celebrate and rest a little before 2024. This means that shipping and support will be greatly reduced.

But we’re back the week after- at a somewhat reduced pace though. The developer meeting on the 3rd of January is maintained but without any presentation. We’ll take this time to answer any questions you have and talk a little! The details are here.

Bitcraze got their presents this year: a handful of working prototypes! We hope we got your wishes too, merry Christmas to you!

Since September, it seems that things at Bitcraze are progressing at an incredible speed. A lot of stuff is happening, and this blog post will try to talk about why we feel excited about the changes coming up… With some teasers!

Changes in the office

One of the reason we picked the office we’re at now is the big flight space, commonly known as the arena. It’s a pretty huge area (around 100m2), separated from the office space, with a high ceiling. It’s perfect for flying. But when we moved here in 2019 we always dreamed about the space that our next-door had, which could be a perfect extension of the flight lab. And, after years of daydreaming, our wish actually came true! So our flight lab is now in the process of getting significantly bigger. I’ll tease you with some before/during photos, to show what the status is right now, but we expect to have a majestic area to fly in quite soon.

If you have ideas on how to name it, a name that feels a little more majestic than “arena”, you’re welcome to share it in the comments!

Changes in the products

We have a list of products that we’re working on that we’re really excited about. You know already some of those if you have read our blog posts, and they are a big part of what we’re spending time with, but they’re not the only ones ! Here is a list of the projects we can reveal:

  • The brushless is in the pipes! We’re getting help to make it as sturdy as possible.
  • We’re working on an “upgraded” Crazyflie offer, with the longer battery pins and the 47-17 propellers.
  • There’s a new software release that should come out soon.
  • Most of our development work the past couple of months have been dedicated to a new deck for flying with more than 4 lighthouse base stations…
  • And of course, there are always prototypes laying around that look promising!

Of course, that’s just a hint of what lies ahead, and for right now, we can’t really say more until we’re sure everything is on the right tracks.

Other exciting stuff

I know I said this time and time again, but we’re actively looking for new Bitcrazers to add to the team. We hope that some changes will come soon and of course, we will share if we have some big news!

We’ve also partnered with Droneblocks to provide a drone education program for students in the US. The Crazyflie has been integrated into their STEM classroom bundle, complete with a coding curriculum and a dedicated software to introduce young minds to the world of drones. It’s a privilege for us to contribute the Crazyflie to this significant educational endeavor!

We plan to have everything coming together for an epic Christmas video with some new hardware, in our new flight lab… Of course, nothing is certain, but one thing is sure: it’s an adventure being at Bitcraze right now!

We talked about it before the summer, and it’s finally here! The 350 mAh battery is now available in our shop. It implies some changes in the products we offer, so here is a breakdown of what’s new:

The 350 mAh battery

It’s here!

It is more powerful than the 250 mAh battery that comes with your Crazyflie. We based it on the Tattu 350mAh 3.7V 30C 1S1P but with some custom works like gold connectors, tailored wire length, and awesome Bitcraze graphics on it. On top of the added power, the upgrade has higher capabilities, (30C burst current, which is more than 10 Amp) and higher energy density (~130 Wh/kg instead of ~105 Wh/kg). It all means that this could boost your hover time up to 10 minutes, and you’ll have more punch during acceleration! It is, though, more expansive than the 250 mAh.

The pin headers

The 350 mAh is thicker than the stock battery, which means you would need longer pin headers in order to snug it onto your Crazyflie. For that, there are now 9mm pin headers available in the shop. This means that now, you can get 3 different male connectors:

  • the 8+14mm is the one that comes with your Crazyflie kit. It’s meant to be phased out at some point. It allows to fit 1 or 2 decks and the 250 mAh battery.
  • the 9+15mm is slightly longer and is available in the shop – both as a spare part and in the upgraded battery bundle. It allows to fit 1 or 2 decks and the 350 mAh battery.
  • the male long connector: the longest pin of all, it’s the one that allows you to fit 3 decks.

Since it makes more sense to have slightly longer pins, the male connectors as spare parts are now slightly longer ones than those you get in your Crazyflie kit.

If you’re not sure, you can always buy the upgraded battery bundle that offers the 350 mAh battery with the right pin headers.


The 350 mAh battery is much more suited for swarms than the 250 mAh, that’s why we’re planning on having an upgraded offer for our swarm bundles. In the coming week, both the Lighthouse and the Loco Swarms will be fitted for the updated offer. That would mean that it will include the new batteries with the right pin headers as well – there will be a slight price increase to match the price of the batteries.

Bare PCB

But that’s not the only surprise waiting for you in the shop: you can now also buy a spare Crazyflie PCB! We thought it would be good to have this option in the store – in case you have crashed too many times and you only just need the PCB!

Right now, it may seem a little confusing, between our different propellers, batteries, or pin headers. It’s mainly because we are trying to, slowly, build up a better, upgraded offer – which will, eventually, culminate in an upgraded Crazyflie 2.1, where the 47-17 propellers and the 9mm pin headers are standards. We’re also planning to publish a guide to help you quickly figure out what would best suit your needs!

It’s been some time now that we’ve tried to grow the Bitcraze team. Since we’re a small team, it’s been hard to put the time and energy into recruiting; and even though we’ve been looking for a new Bitcrazer for a long time, things haven’t progressed as much as we liked.

That’s why we’ve got some help. We are now working with a recruitment agency to help us reach the right people, and their insights and advice have been of great value in us figuring out exactly what kind of person we wanted, and how to phrase it in the right way to get the right person.

So we now have a new job post, that you can read here in its entirety, but which I will summarize here:

We’re looking for a production and quality manager – embedded developer. Someone that is not only a skilled embedded developer, but is also interested in our products’ production: running it, synchronizing with our partner in China, developing production tests… Having a passion for technology, production and quality is a big plus.

As usual, no roles is set in stones here at Bitcraze. Being part of a small company means that everyone has the opportunity to be involved in all parts of it ; we get to build the company we work in. With that comes freedom and responsibility! The way we work is unlike any other, and we know from the Covid experience that working remotely is nearly impossible for our process. That’s why that person should be ready to move to Malmö, Sweden. But, as I’ve explained in a precedent blogpost, coming to work at Bitcraze comes with great advantages.

While this role is one that we’re currently actively trying to fill, you’re always welcome to openly apply for a job at Bitcraze. Don’t hesitate to send us an email at and tell us who you are!

One detail that has its importance: unfortunately, hiring someone from outside the EU takes time and energy; with a lot of paperwork and a much longer timeframe. That’s why we’d prefer if the person we hire has EU citizenship.

Dev meeting

Next week is already time for our next dev meeting! This time, we will talk about how to handle the increasing complexity of the expansion decks. We’ve seen some issues with the increasing complexity of the expansion decks, and had some ideas for solutions moving forward that we want to share!

You will find the link and infos to join here:

After a nice (but rainy) summer, everyone is back at the office and we’re coming back to business as usual at Bitcraze. This blog post is dedicated to various bits of news, in order to get you caught up on what’s been happening during the summer.

Dev meeting theme

There were no dev meetings in August to allow everyone to rest and enjoy their vacations, but after this hiatus, we’re back in the saddle! The dev meeting will happen, as usual, on the first Wednesday of the month, so the 6th of September, at 15.00 CEST.

This month, Arnaud is going to talk about the lib: what is its current status, its architecture, and some hopes we have for the future. As usual, we’ll have a short presentation, and then a discussion; you can also join if you have more general questions or feedback. If you’re interested and willing to take part in this discussion, you can check the information on Github:

Chargers out of stock

Some items were out of stock during the summer (like the HQ propellers) that we thankfully received soon after we came back. Unfortunately, one product is still not available: the battery charger. Since it’s part of the Swarm bundles, it also means that the bundles are out of stock too. But the wait for their restocking shouldn’t be too long, as they are scheduled to arrive around the end of next week. We’re hoping it’s not a big inconvenience for you and we thank you for your patience!

Problems with payment

We’ve noticed that some of you had some problems getting their payment through in our shop. If you’re one of the unlucky ones who faced this issue, we apologize for the inconvenience, and we want you to know we’re working with our payment provider to figure out a solution. This, unfortunately, can take some time because of the number of parties involved (there’s us, the payment provider, different banks, so the situation gets quite complex quickly). In the meantime, if you should encounter such a problem, don’t hesitate to send us an email at and we can help out. It would also help us to know who is facing this issue.

It’s summer here in Sweden, which means a lot of sun, heat, and… well, right now, rain, but hopefully things will get better.

Credits: Silvia Man/

As every year, we try to enjoy it as much as possible. That means that some of us are taking off for well-deserved vacations. During the coming month, Bitcraze will be run by a skeleton crew of people.

That means that the office will get slower too. Now, keep in mind that in a company made by only 6 persons, 3 people going on holidays is taking half the workforce – so the remaining men and women are here to keep things afloat. We will still ship the orders regularly – in a huge part thanks to your new and improved packing system– and answer emails, helping you on Github discussions etc… on a regular basis. But our response time may be slower than usual – and some things will have to be postponed until the right person can get to it. We will, of course, always tell you what’s happening, and keep going with the Monday blogposts.

For us that are in the office, it is also the chance to focus on more personal projects. Often during the summer, when our colleagues are away, we grab the opportunity to develop ideas and projects that we usually don’t prioritize. Last summer, for example, Kimberly dig deeper into ROS2. I myself will try to make some changes to the office itself. We will also try to clean up- not only the office itself, but fixing various bugs that usually don’t get the highest priority. In general, we try to have a clean slate before things start to get back up again.

We hope that you can also enjoy a slower summer and some vacations!

Did you know that all the items you receive when you place an order are actually from the Bitcraze office? In the beginning, we had the shipping handled by a third party, but it caused some problems and we decided to have this side of the business closer to us- namely, right here at the office in Malmö.

Our packing area

We have a “warehouse” with our products in our flight lab, and thrice a week someone takes the order, fulfills them, packs them and hands them over to FedEx. So how does this work exactly?

Well, a lot of this is possible thanks to our internal system, a Raspberry Pi, and three printers. When we fulfill your order, we have a lot of things to take into account. The weight of the shipment, the number of batteries it contains, what kind of shipment you ordered, the destination country, the kind of labels that are needed…. Thankfully, everything is handled by our internal system, and with one click we have everything we need. If you booked a FedEx shipment, our API books the FedEx shipment immediately and prints it.

We actually have three different printers. One prints the packaging list that we put in your package, along with one that helps us know what to pack. It’s a regular, office printer. The second one prints the shipping label. A third one is used for packages that contain batteries: those are, of course, heavily regulated, and we need to label them correctly to ensure the safest way to transport them. Hence the need for a third printer, which prints somewhat smaller labels. Some of us actually followed a course to be able to handle a shipment containing more than 2 spare batteries per drone… It is then considered a “Dangerous Goods” shipment by FedEx and has to be treated, labeled, and sent following a precise protocol.

Here they are in action:

Once everything is printed, the “only” thing left is to actually pack the box! It’s what takes up the most time. We select your items (without forgetting the stickers!), place them in the box that should be the right size, and try to pack everything so that it is safe to transport to the other side of the world. We then hand everything to FedEx which takes it from there. We try, as much as possible, to ship within 3 business days. That usually means packing and sending on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – though conferences or holidays can shake this up a bit.

The obvious advantage of having everything set up here is that we have a lot more control over this important side of the business. We have an eye on stock, on how the package looks like, and have an idea of where we actually send our products! The downside is that it takes a lot of time away from development. But these past couple of months, we’ve done a lot to improve our experience while packing. Those include an already filled-out Customs Notice for postal packages and a quicker way to handle packages that have more than 2 spare batteries. But the biggest change is that we have hired someone to help us part-time. Sofia started a week ago and she already has helped take care of the shipping part of Bitcraze. So welcome, Sofia, to the Bitcraze team!