The summer here in Sweden is what it is, barely warm enough to earning the name summer. Every year you hope that this year will be the good year and most often you get disappointed. It however encourage productivity instead of lying on a beach which is a good thing. So as we are currently closing open tasks that never really got finished it doesn’t feel so bad :-). The list is however big with about 130 items so we will have to see how far we get.
One of the items to close was to merge the Crazyflie 1.0/2.0 firmwares. As the two systems are quite different it took a while to get them to compile after they were merged and even longer before they both worked. Now it has been tested for a while and we feel confident there are no major bugs. Therefore the merged software are now moved to the master branch and this is from now on where we will accept pull requests. So if you are developing for Crazyflie 2.0 please move to the master branch!
When it comes to differences on the firmware for 1.0/2.0 it is working similar as before. The new thing is that when you run make it will default to building the Crazyflie 2.0 firmware and to build the Crazyflie 1.0 firmware one needs to run “make PLATFORM=CF1”. The binaries produced will have naming cf1.bin and cf2.bin for Crazyflie 1.0 and Crazyflie 2.0 respectively.
Arduino inspired deck API
At the same time as the merging work has been going on a Arduino inspired deck API is starting to develop. Arnaud put together the GPIO base and fredgrat from the community was quick at developing the analog part and sent us a pull request, thanks! If anyone else feels like contributing it would make us really happy. And who knows, another part of the world might also experience a shitty summer encouraging productivity (or shitty winter for that sake) :-).