
As of this year around March/April we started with both Bitcraze developer meetings and Aerial-ROS meetings (the latter in collaboration with Dronecode Foundation). Now that summer is around and our office is a bit empty, we had a bit of a summer break, however we will start the meetings back up again soon! The next ROS-aerial meeting will be on the 16th of August and we will also have a Bitcraze developer meeting planned on the Wednesday the 6th of September (keep an eye on our announcements in discussions). In this blogpost we like to take the opportunity to show an overview of the meetings we had so far.

Aerial ROS meetings

In March we started a [ROS community working group] for aerial Vehicles together with our friends at Dronecode foundation, aka Aerial-ROS! We have biweekly meetings with some standard discussion meetings (with a topic) and with an invited guest presentation.

Here are the discussion topic meetings we had:

And we had several guest speakers as well! Like Miguel Fernandez-Cortizas from CAR-UPM talking about Aerostack2:

ROS-aerial Meeting guest presentation about Aerostack2

Then we had a guest presentation from Gerald Peklar from NXP talking about the Drones4Bats project:

ROS-aerial Meeting guest presentation about Drones4Bats

And the last before the summer was from Alejandro Hernández Cordero (Open Robotics Consultant) about the ROS2 Project Vehicle Gateway.

ROS-aerial Meeting guest presentation about Vehicle Gateway

The next meeting for ROS-aerial is planned on the 16th of August. Keep an eye on the ROS discourse forum.

Bitcraze Developer Meetings

We already had a couple of developer meetings before but we started recording them since April. The first recorded one was about the loco positioning system. Here first we gave a presentation about the system itself, with the latest developments cooking in our pot and time for questions afterwards.

Dev meeting about Loco positioning.

Then we had a meeting about the development of safety features in the Crazyflie in light of the Bolt developments:

Bitcraze Dev meeting about Safety features.

Then we had a meeting where Kristoffer highlighted the autonomous swarm demo we showed at ICRA 2023.

Bitcraze dev meeting about the autonomous swarm demo

And the last before the summer holiday, we had a meeting where Kimberly explained about the Crazyflie simulationmodel intergrated into Webots

Bitcraze Dev meeting about Simulation

We are still planning to have developer meeting every first wednesday of the month starting with September 6th (keep an eye on our announcements in discussions).

EPFL 101 Crazyflie presentation

Oh yeah, by the way, we also were invited by the EPFL-lis lab to give another Crazyflie 101 presentation in Lausanne last April! We made a prerecording of it so you can check it out right here:

EPFL LIS crazyflie 101 presentation.

See you all after summer!

This early summer my research group (Center for Project-Based Learning at ETH Zürich) was in charge of a special week – high school students from all over Switzerland (actually even the world, they had to speak German though) could apply for a study week at different departments from our university. The departments which joined this initiative were mathematics, physics, biology, environmental sciences, material sciences, and our department, electrical engineering and information technologies (ITET). But how do you show teenagers between 15-19 in one week as much as possible from electrical engineering while also having fun? And best inspire them to study at ITET? Our solution was: drones. More specifically, Crazyflies. With those we had many possibilities to learn about electrical engineering – from sensors, microcontrollers, timers, and motors to LEDs, batteries, embedded systems, FreeRTOS tasks, state estimation, and controller – and all this with a high fun potential and a low risk of accidents, as with their weight of only 30g they hardly ever do any damage. In this blog post, I will guide you through our week, in hopes to help others who also want to use the Crazyflie to teach students about electrical engineering in a fun way.


We started in the afternoon (in the morning they had a welcoming tour) with a short introduction and splitting the 20 students into groups of two (everyone got a paper slip and had to find the matching one, accelerometer gyroscope, pitch roll, UART SPI, and so on – this gives the lecturer a great opportunity for interaction with the students later on, once their word gets relevant during the week). After a short introduction to programming and microcontrollers we moved on to the most classic beginner task: blink an LED! We chose to use the front left one, as this one is only used when communicating – so as long as we don’t connect to the drone we can observe exactly what we programmed. Most students got the LED turned on rather quickly – however, pulsing the LED to change the intensity took them some more time and forced them to learn how to write loops. They also already learned how PWM works without knowing it yet – setting the intensity of an LED or the strength of a motor is about the same thing in the end after all and this gave us a great start for Tuesday.


On Tuesday we looked at hardware from different perspectives. As you might have guessed, we looked at motors and how to control them with PWM and timers. The students were a bit disappointed that we still didn’t fly, but as soon as they realized that they could play their favorite song on the motors the motivation was high again! We didn’t even have any stray drones, even though we let them mount the propellers (the songs sound much better with propellers).
We also looked at another aspect of electrical engineering: PCB design (this was already done though) and soldering. For this, we prepared a custom deck, with four colored LEDs, which could be populated like in industry with solder paste and then soldered with a hot plate. To make it even more fun (and partly to show off our laser cutter) they also designed a small plastic diffuser that could be mounted on top. So in the end our setup resembles the LED ring – however, it can be mounted on top which is essential if you don’t want to fly with a positioning system (and therefore need to mount a flow deck).


Trying out the state estimation

Now that we knew how to blink LEDs and, even more important, how to control motors we had to learn a bit about how the drone actually figures out which motor should be turned on and how much. For this, we first looked at sensors and wired communication protocols, such as I2C (for the IMU and time-of-flight sensor), SPI (for the optical flow), and UART (to the nRF) – due to limited time we didn’t go into details here though. We briefly touched wireless communication, to explain how the commands they will later send to the drone (and the firmware) are actually sent to the right drone.

Tuning PIDs

We moved on to what state estimation is in general – again jumping over all details of an extended Kalman Filter, but had a closer look at the logging and parameter system. We then spent a bit more time on the PID controller again – which was also a bit hard to explain, as half the teenagers hadn’t learned how to integrate and differentiate yet. However, they learned fast and we could move to the part they waited for all week long: Flying (and tuning the PID).


Transport drone

This was the day that was meant for creativity – the students could choose themselves which project they want to achieve. We proposed them some ideas, such as blinking LEDs depending on the height, flying through a gate (the challenge here is to filter the height measurements when the gate border is below the drone), steering the drone with the keyboard, soldering an own sensor on a break-out board, …

In the end, we saw many cool projects, from a song played as a canon on multiple motors to a transporter drone, flying successfully through the gate, doing a successful looping (unfortunately no successful landing yet…), racing against each other (possibly with disco-lights on the deck) and trials for reaching max speed in the hallway.

The hallway was very popular to fly, as the distance to accelerate was longer…
Practice on the race parkour

The most popular base project was to steer the drone with the keyboard – unfortunately (or fortunately? they sure had fun with it once it was running and they might have learned enough in the remaining week…), this was very easy after we showed them where Marcus’ script lives (here) and which 8 lines (170-177) they have to remove for it to work without an AI-deck (and don’t forget to adapt the URI)…


Quite an audience!
Flying was forbidden – but playing music with motors was not!

On Friday it was presentation day – in the morning they could still work on their projects, but in the afternoon all the 120 students (and most of their parents) came together in a huge lecture hall to present what they did during this week. And, as at a real conference, they had posters and their drones (which we, unfortunately, were not allowed to fly without a fireproof net… Will organize this next time) to show their projects to family, friends, and even random tourists (the entrance hall of the ETH main building is on many sightseeing tours).

At the end of the week I doubted the robustness of Crazyflies for a moment – however, Monday morning once I had peace and quiet once again I figured out what was wrong with all hardware which ended up on the “not working for unknown reasons” stack in less than an hour (and fixed almost all of it). Notes to all others and my future self for the next time I give 10 drones to 20 teenagers:

  • If you show them how to tune a PID, also explain that “persistent” means exactly what it says – if you mess up the PID values and persist them they will stay this way until you reset them, no matter how often you reflash the drone.
  • Explain how fragile connectors are and that you NEVER should pull at cables. Also, mention 10x more to be careful when plugging in decks. And radios.
  • Keep one “private” drone no one is allowed to mess with – it will help greatly to figure out if they only broke the flow deck connectors or something more serious (which actually never happened)
  • Doing only warm boots with setting individual addresses with the CLOAD_CMDS while flashing saved us a lot of trouble, randomly connecting to drones only happened once they discovered the app for the phone…

The coding tasks (and at least some minimal solutions) can be found on my fork: Tasks and solutions. They are kept short on purpose – we at the Center for Project-Based Learning believe in our name – we believe the most learning (and fun) happens when you rather freely explore what you can do with the basic tools you just learned.

P.S. For completeness – I cut out all the parts which really had nothing to do with Crazyflies, we also did lab tours in the high-voltage laboratory and the laboratory for optical communication – and of course had some social events with actual university students. As much as we like the Crazyflie, even we have to admit that the field of electrical engineering is even bigger than what we can show with those tiny drones ;)

When the Crazyflie was created the intended use case was manual flight with one drone. Over the years we have added support for positioning, swarms, autonomous flight and all sorts of nice features, and it has all been built on top of the original code base. Some of the original code is actually untouched after 7-8 years and needless to say, there is a slight worry that we might have taken design decisions back then that will come back and bite us in new use cases. This blog post will outline some of the work we have been doing to handle this problem by setting up an autonomous system where a Crazyflie is continuously flying – the infinite flight project.

Logged position for a part of a flight

The original design essentially assumed one Crazyflie that is controlled by one computer with one Crazyradio. On the computer the user was running the python client and controlling the flight manually with a game pad. The user might have restarted the Crazyflie before each flight, or at least when changing battery.

Now fast forward to the current situation where a swarm of Crazyflies might be controlled by multiple radios, each connecting to multiple Crazyflies. The Crayflies are flying autonomously, perhaps getting their current position from the Lighthouse system, or via radio based on information from a mocap system. Maybe telemetry data is sent back to the ground while commands for trajectories to the Crazyflies go in the other direction. In some systems the Crazyflies use wireless charging to be able to run continuously.

Obviously the current situation is very different from the original design with new or changed requirements. One is the extended use of the radio, and this is something that we have been talking about in some previous blog posts and we will not discuss that here. This blog post will instead be about one other important topic: long term stability.

In the original design, the Crazyflie was restarted often, maybe before each flight. This means that the code did not run for a very long time, so what happens if we use wireless charging and keep the firmware running for days? Will there be a problem? We decided to find out by starting an internal project we called “Infinite flight”. The idea was to set up a system with a Crazyflie with a Qi-charger for wireless charging and a Lighthouse deck for positioning. An app in the Crazyflie takes off, flies a trajectory and lands for recharging when the battery is out, the cycle is then repeated for as many times as possible. By doing this, we hoped to find any software problems in the firmware that might show up after some time, finding hardware that is worn out over time or other finding other issues. Spoiler alert: we have not reached infinity yet, but we have got a bit closer :-)

The setup is fairly straight forward, the firmware is based on the app used in the demo we used at IROS and ICRA, with some modifications. We have a ground station computer that collects data, it tries to continuously maintain a connection and re-establish it if it is lost. We log as much as possible to be able to analyse problems and understand what happened. We also added some tools to make it easier to visualize and dig in all the log data. The usual work flow has been to

  1. Start the Crazyflie and run the app
  2. Wait for something to go wrong (sometimes days)
  3. Analyze what happened and figure out if something needs to be changed
  4. Update and start over again

A surprising number of runs failed fairly quickly, only after a few flights. The reason has usually been some sort of handling error or problems with the test software, but some have been of more general interest or bugs.

Stopped logging

We had a problem where the logs from the Crazyflie in the ground computer stopped without any apparent reason. It turned out to be related to the session-less nature of the CRTP protocol, there is no good way to determine if a session is alive or not, other than using a timeout. It turned out that there is a timeout in the Crazyflie firmware (that was not fresh in our memories) that stops logging if no packets are received for a while. The rationale is to avoid having old logs running if a client is disconnected. In our case we lost communication for a short period of time and the firmware simply stopped the logging. The python lib on the other hand had a longer timeout and did not have the view that the connection was lost. The solution we used is to set up the logs again if we don’t receive logging for a while (we fixed an issue in the python lib related to this)

In the future com stack we plan to have proper session handling which should remove this problem.

Controller tuning

We have been using various flavors of Crazyflies in the tests, including some prototypes. We had some issues with one prototype that we did not understand, it had a hard time hitting the landing pad when landing. It turned out that the STM that was used in the prototype was reused from an old Crazyflie and it had some weird PID controller settings stored as persistent parameters. With the persistent parameters cleared, it worked as expected.

We have played a bit with tuning the controller, but the default settings are fairly OK and we used them most of the time.

Kalman estimator rate warning

The kalman estimator issued warnings that the rate was too high (!) after around 9 hours. This turned out to be a bug related to using a float for the time calculation, leading to a rounding error when the system had been running for more than 0x2000000 ticks.

Hardware issuses

Some of the prototypes we used had some glitches or irregularities, it is very hard to hand solder PCBs. These problems are only related to a specific hardware individual and can cause some unexpected behavior which takes time to figure out.

Landing pad edge

The landing/charging pad we use (also used in our demos) generally works fine, it has a “slope” towards the center which helps the Crazyflie slide to the correct position. If the Crazyflie miss the landing too much though, it will end up on the edge with one leg on the ground and an angle away from the center. In this case it sometimes fails to take off properly and crash. We solved this by adding a foam pad around the landing pad to “raise” the surrounding floor the the same level as the landing pad and thus reduce angle.

Lighthouse bug

There is a known bug in the lighthouse deck that prevents it from receiving data at certain angles. We had some cases where our landing pad was located in a spot where we lost tracking of both the active base stations for some yaw angles. If the Crazyflie happened to land in that exact yaw angle, it lost the position while charging and it did not know its current position when it should take off again. This was solved by moving the landing pad to a different position.

Not yet investigated possible problems

One possible known problem is the system tick counter in FreeRTOS. The counter is a 32-bit unsigned word and it is increased every millisecond. The counter is used in the firmware as the internal “clock” to determine for instance how long ago the estimator was updated or to determine when to execute some piece of code the next time. This counter will wrap after 2^32 ms, that is around 7 weeks, and we don’t really know what will happen.

Results and conclusions

The longest we managed to keep the system running was 5 days. We had a slow charging cycle and only flew 57 times. In this session, the flight time was very stable between 5:30 and 5:45 for all flights. This test was done with a standard Crazyflie 2.1 with a motor upgrade kit.

The second longest session was 3 days, in this case we used a brushless prototype and pushed the charging very hard. We ended up doing 276 flights but the battery was pushed beyond specs and being too warm and charged too fast, it degraded over time and the flight time was reduced to only 2-3 minutes at the end.

We believe we have fixed most of the long term stability issues, but it is hard to know. There might be bugs lurking in the firmware that only show up under very special conditions. What we do know is that it is possible to fly for 5 days!

It’s summer here in Sweden, which means a lot of sun, heat, and… well, right now, rain, but hopefully things will get better.

Credits: Silvia Man/

As every year, we try to enjoy it as much as possible. That means that some of us are taking off for well-deserved vacations. During the coming month, Bitcraze will be run by a skeleton crew of people.

That means that the office will get slower too. Now, keep in mind that in a company made by only 6 persons, 3 people going on holidays is taking half the workforce – so the remaining men and women are here to keep things afloat. We will still ship the orders regularly – in a huge part thanks to your new and improved packing system– and answer emails, helping you on Github discussions etc… on a regular basis. But our response time may be slower than usual – and some things will have to be postponed until the right person can get to it. We will, of course, always tell you what’s happening, and keep going with the Monday blogposts.

For us that are in the office, it is also the chance to focus on more personal projects. Often during the summer, when our colleagues are away, we grab the opportunity to develop ideas and projects that we usually don’t prioritize. Last summer, for example, Kimberly dig deeper into ROS2. I myself will try to make some changes to the office itself. We will also try to clean up- not only the office itself, but fixing various bugs that usually don’t get the highest priority. In general, we try to have a clean slate before things start to get back up again.

We hope that you can also enjoy a slower summer and some vacations!

Today, Lennart Bult from Emergent Swarns presents us with this project of a 24/7 swarming demo. Enjoy!

Over the last few months our team has been working on creating a 24/7 swarming demo. Initially tasked by Guido de Croon and Chris Verhoeven from TU Delft MAVLab and the TU Delft Robotics Institute, we set out to find our way within the Crazyflie ecosystem to gradually increase the size and capabilities of the swarm. In this article we will first talk about some of the work and methods that we used. After that, we will introduce the TU Delft Science Centre Swarming Lab and talk about some applications of swarming drones.

Developing the 24/7 swarm

The project started in February with the goal of creating a physical swarm capable of real-time collision avoidance with drones and static obstacles. We started out with three drones equipped with the Flow Deck, and by setting them up in a clever way we could perform the first collision avoidance and landing tests. We were impressed with the performance we got out of the Flow Deck, however, eventually, it is mostly a battle against the drift of the position estimate, that is, we could increase some of the margins on the collision avoidance only so far before we would either fly out of the test zone or collide with another drone. Luckily with short test flights, we were able to see some of the flaws in our algorithms and correct them before testing with the new setup.

Setup after the first expansion to eight drones.

After a few weeks of testing we got approved for the first swarm expansion, five more drones and a Lighthouse positioning setup. This is when we could do our first real tests with the collision avoidance algorithm, which, much to our own surprise, worked on the first try. This is also when we first posted a project update on LinkedIn. There were however a lot of bugs that still needed to be worked out, and a lot of system experience still to be gained. After flying for a bit longer we noticed that some of the drones would flip quite often, which is when we discovered that we needed the thrust upgrade to control the additional weight of the larger battery and charging deck.

For the charging setup we took inspiration from the Bitcraze IROS 2022 demo; we 3D printed sloped landing pads that we tape onto a wireless charger. After a few iterations we landed on a design that uses minimal printer resources and allows the Crazyflie to land a bit off-center. This last feature turned out to be quite useful considering the large amount of destabilizing airflow that is generated by 40 drones. After receiving the last order of drones we also expanded the charging setup, which at this point takes up quite a bit of floor space. There are some ideas to create a vertical landing pad stack, which would bring the additional challenge of missing the landing pad not being an option.

All 40 drones recharging before their next flight.

After prototyping the charging setup and building confidence with the initial setup, we were confident enough in our system capabilities to expand it to the point where a continuous demo of 5-8 drones is possible. Although the system integration of the previous expansion went without much trouble, we did encounter a few issues when expanding to 40 drones. The first issue of which was radio communication, we noticed that a delay in the radio communication would be present if we increased the update rate above a certain level for a specific number of drones per radio. The second issue we encountered were performance drops related to the violation of certain bounds in the collision avoidance algorithm. These two issues were very difficult to debug since it was not immediately obvious where the source of the issue was.

The third and last major issue was the increase in destabilizing airflow of 40 drones compared to 8. With 40 drones there is a noticeable breeze when you stand next to the drone cage, which is nice for summertime, but not so nice when drones need to land in a tight-packed configuration. To combat this issue there is a limit to the amount of drones that can land at the same time. There is also a minimum separation distance between two active landing pads, which reduced the severity of the induced turbulence. There are still ongoing efforts to increase the landing success rate, which is currently affected by drones running out of power during the landing procedure.

To control and monitor the swarm we designed a custom GUI, an impression of which you can see below. Although some of the buttons are still a work in progress, there are a lot of features that have already proven very useful, especially when testing a new feature.

V1 of the graphical user interface developed for the 24/7 swarm.

The code base that we created for the swarm will be largely open-sourced (only the collision avoidance will not be open-source) to provide researchers all around the world with the possibility to setup their own Crazyflie swarm for research. You can find the repository through this link. Note that the documentation and code base are still under development and might contain bugs/errors.

Human interaction

After creating all functionality to provide a continuously operating swarm demo, it was time to work on some of our stretch goals: 1. walking through the swarm whilst it is operating and 2. controlling the swarm using our arms. In the image below you can see an impression of precisely this functionality. The drones are following the operator’s gesture commands whilst performing live collision avoidance with an operator.

Team member Seppe directing the 40 drone swarm, see the full video here.

This demo requires multiple techniques and hardware elements working together to create a relatively low-latency, human-controlled swarm. We used a Kinect-like 3D sensor to perform human pose estimation, we subsequently used this data to create a dynamic obstacle in our collision avoidance software. An important element to consider here is the synchronization of the Lighthouse- and 3D sensor coordinate frames, i.e. without proper calibration the human will not be correctly positioned with respect to the drones and the drones will crash into the human. The interaction between the swarm control software and the human gesture commands also requires careful consideration, proper tuning is required to ensure a responsive system that is reliable and not too aggressive.

TUD Science Centre Swarming Lab

The next step in this project will be to set up the swarm at its new location, the TU Delft Science Centre. Here, the swarm will first and foremost be visible as a public demo, showcasing the capabilities of TU Delft state-of-the-art swarming research. There will also be a focus on developing the swarm as a research platform. This will allow TU Delft students and researchers to extend swarm functionalities and test their theory on a physical swarming system. Besides demos and academic research, there will also be worked on developing educational applications across the full educational board (primary school, high school and applied education). If you are interested in working on, or collaborating with the swarming lab on any of the above-mentioned tasks, feel free to email the lab management at

The TU Delft Swarming Lab setup with 40 drones and charging pads for continuous operations and research.

Applications of Swarming

There are a lot of potential use-cases for fully autonomous drone swarms, ranging from indoor applications such as warehouse monitoring and factory inspection to outdoor applications such as search and rescue and surveillance. In our opinion, the true potential of drone swarms lies in applications where there is a significant need for a scalable system with a lot of built-in redundancy. A lot of additional use cases open up when we consider fully onboard autonomous systems, where the full benefits of decentralized swarming can be utilized. Currently, the size of drones needed to achieve such feats is quite large, though maybe in a few years, we could see more and more being done on drone platforms such as the Crazyflie.

A swarm inspection of an F-16 Fighting Falcon at Deltion College in Zwolle, the Netherlands.

An interesting area of application for drone swarms could be in the inspection of aircraft. Drone swarms provide a scalable and flexible means to perform a fast inspection of aircraft across an entire airfield or military base. To showcase that this can be done with any size of drone, we went to Deltion College in Zwolle to perform a mock inspection of an F-16 fighter jet. Above you can see an impression of the inspection. Another area of application is search and rescue, where there is a need for systems that can find people or objects of interest in unknown and cluttered environments. Furthermore, the area that needs to be searched is usually very large and sometimes difficult to travel on foot. A drone swarm could provide fast and reliable coverage of the area of interest, whilst providing full data traceability. Seppe and Lennart will work on creating drone swarms for these use cases with the start-up Emergent Swarms.

In our ROS-aerial community working group, we had a meeting a few weeks ago to discuss education and tutorials within Aerial Robotics (see the ROS discourse thread here). The general conclusion was that there should be more courses and tutorials since the learning curve is too steep. But… is that actually the case? According to a LinkedIn post by Kimberly, asking for suggestions, we found out that might not be true! There are loads of tutorials out there! So in this blog post, we will provide an overview of the suggested tutorials and the ones that have materials available online.

Stable diffusion with prompt ‘A drone flying in front of a school blackboard’

Online books

One of the first suggestions was to explore the online free book titled ‘Small Unmanned Aircraft: Theory and Practice.’ This book has been written by Randy Beard and Tim McLain of Brigham Young University, and it covers everything from the absolute basics of coordinate frames and quadrotor dynamics to path planning and cameras. It is a must-read for anybody starting in UAVs and Aerial robotics.

The physical book can be found here:

The available PDFs can be accessed on GitHub:

Courses specified on Aerial Robotics

Here are some suggestions for courses specifically focused on Aerial Robotics. These received the most recommendations! Many universities have made their courses available online, accessible to anyone interested.

Coursera offers the ‘Robotics: Aerial Robotics’ course as part of the Robotics specialization. Taught by Prof. Vijay Kumar from Penn University, this 4-week course covers the mechanics and control of aerial vehicles using Matlab. It starts from 1 dimension and gradually progresses to the 3rd dimension in simulation. The course is part of a paid educational program, but you can audit the lessons for free.


Udacity has been offering a course on Aerial Vehicles for quite some time. The lessons are taught by top names in the industry and cover key aspects of Aerial Robotics, such as motion planning, controls, and estimation, with lab assignments involving a real drone. The course duration is 4 months, and access is available for a fee.


The University of Maryland offers a course on Autonomous Aerial Robotics, making all videos, slides, and assignments available. Taught by Nitin J. Sanket and Chahat Deep Singh, the course covers everything from basic control and dynamics to full autonomy. It’s a comprehensive resource for aerial robotics. The course utilizes the Parrot Bebop 2.0, and while a Mocap system is required, you may explore the possibility of adapting the course to a different platform.


Additionally, there’s the course ‘Applied Control System 3: UAV Drone (3D Dynamics & Control)’ which is part of a series by Mark Misin. This course delves deep into the dynamics, control, and modeling of quadrotors.


Courses specified on Robotics applied to UAVs

Here are some suggestions for courses that focus on robotics but utilize UAVs/drones to demonstrate the implementation of the studied materials.

‘Visual Navigation For Autonomous Vehicles’ is a course available on MIT Open Courseware, taught by Prof. Luca Carlone. As the name implies, the course primarily focuses on autonomous navigation for any autonomous vehicle. It includes exercises where students implement vision algorithms on both ground robots and drones. Additionally, the course covers working with ROS and applying the knowledge to a simulated drone in Unity.


The ‘Bio-inspired Robotics’ course at the University of Washington, led by Prof. Sawyer Fuller, explores the realm of drawing inspiration from nature rather than reinventing the wheel. It covers various robots inspired by creatures capable of swimming, walking, hopping, and of course, flying. Lab assignments in this course involve working with a Crazyflie drone.


Brown University offers a course called ‘Introduction to Robotics,’ taught by Prof. Stefanie Tellix. While the introduction covers generic robotics, the focus of the full course is on building and programming the Duckiedrone. The course dives straight into autonomy and also teaches students how to work with ROS.


Update (4th of July)

Princeton University (see this blogpost) have also decided to release their ‘Intro to Robotics’ lectures and materials for the public. Can’t believe I forgot this one!


Youtube tutorials

If you’d like to start hands-on right away, here are a couple of suggestions for YouTube tutorials or series about aerial robotics.

Drone Programming with Python: This popular tutorial/course teaches viewers how to program a real drone using Python with the DJI Tello. It offers a great opportunity for anyone looking for a short and enjoyable project to undertake, especially on a rainy day, while still working with a real platform.


Intelligent Quads YouTube Channel: This channel is entirely dedicated to creating autonomous UAVs, covering topics from Ardupilot to MAVlink to ROS and Gazebo. It appears to be a valuable resource for beginners in the field of autonomous UAVs.


But wait, there is more!

There are some extra recourses for you to also take a look at.

  • Self-Driving Car Specialization: If you are interested in learning more about SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and sensors, this specialization is tailored for self-driving cars but the theory can be useful for drones as well. Link:
  • Drone Dojo: For those looking to build their own drones, Drone Dojo provides useful instructions and courses to get started on DIY drone projects. Link:

To conclude

Indeed, it appears that there are plenty of courses and tutorials available for people interested in getting started with aerial robotics. The range of resources is vast, and it’s possible that we might still be missing some, which could lead to a part 2 of this blog post in the future! And perhaps also we would need to delve into these to see why the learning curve is considered steep. However, aerial robotics is not an easy subject anyway so perhaps it is good to start from the basics. Nevertheless, this compilation should provide a solid starting point for anyone eager to delve into the world of aerial robotics. A major thank you to everyone who has contributed so far (linked to in the original LinkedIn post); your valuable input has made this possible!

Did you know that all the items you receive when you place an order are actually from the Bitcraze office? In the beginning, we had the shipping handled by a third party, but it caused some problems and we decided to have this side of the business closer to us- namely, right here at the office in Malmö.

Our packing area

We have a “warehouse” with our products in our flight lab, and thrice a week someone takes the order, fulfills them, packs them and hands them over to FedEx. So how does this work exactly?

Well, a lot of this is possible thanks to our internal system, a Raspberry Pi, and three printers. When we fulfill your order, we have a lot of things to take into account. The weight of the shipment, the number of batteries it contains, what kind of shipment you ordered, the destination country, the kind of labels that are needed…. Thankfully, everything is handled by our internal system, and with one click we have everything we need. If you booked a FedEx shipment, our API books the FedEx shipment immediately and prints it.

We actually have three different printers. One prints the packaging list that we put in your package, along with one that helps us know what to pack. It’s a regular, office printer. The second one prints the shipping label. A third one is used for packages that contain batteries: those are, of course, heavily regulated, and we need to label them correctly to ensure the safest way to transport them. Hence the need for a third printer, which prints somewhat smaller labels. Some of us actually followed a course to be able to handle a shipment containing more than 2 spare batteries per drone… It is then considered a “Dangerous Goods” shipment by FedEx and has to be treated, labeled, and sent following a precise protocol.

Here they are in action:

Once everything is printed, the “only” thing left is to actually pack the box! It’s what takes up the most time. We select your items (without forgetting the stickers!), place them in the box that should be the right size, and try to pack everything so that it is safe to transport to the other side of the world. We then hand everything to FedEx which takes it from there. We try, as much as possible, to ship within 3 business days. That usually means packing and sending on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – though conferences or holidays can shake this up a bit.

The obvious advantage of having everything set up here is that we have a lot more control over this important side of the business. We have an eye on stock, on how the package looks like, and have an idea of where we actually send our products! The downside is that it takes a lot of time away from development. But these past couple of months, we’ve done a lot to improve our experience while packing. Those include an already filled-out Customs Notice for postal packages and a quicker way to handle packages that have more than 2 spare batteries. But the biggest change is that we have hired someone to help us part-time. Sofia started a week ago and she already has helped take care of the shipping part of Bitcraze. So welcome, Sofia, to the Bitcraze team!

We are happy to announce that we are working on a new upgrade battery for the Crazyflies! It will soon hit production and hopefully, keeping our fingers crossed, it will arrive in our stock in early 2023-Q4.

The upgrade battery is based on the “Tattu 350mAh 3.7V 30C 1S1P” cell and with some additional great features:

  • Protection Circuit Module (PCM) to protect against short circuits, overcharge, over discharge etc.
  • Gold-plated connectors for lower contact resistance.
  • Shrink wrap around connector for better rigidity.
  • Cool Bitcraze matched graphics.

And if we list the benefits compared to the stock Crazyflie battery:

  • Higher current capabilities, 30C burst current, that is >10 Amp.
  • 350mAh instead of 250mAh
  • Higher energy density, ~130 Wh/kg instead of ~105 Wh/kg

There are some drawbacks too:

  • It is ~1 mm thicker and does not fit well with all deck boards and the short or medium size pin headers. We will release longer pin headers at the same time though.
  • Price will be higher
  • ~1.5 grams extra weight

With this upgrade battery, you will experience longer flight times, more “punch” during acceleration and it is great combined with the thrust upgrade kit!

As you may have noticed from the recent blog posts, we were very excited about ICRA London 2023! And it seems that we had every right to be, as this conference had the highest number of Crazyflie related papers compared to all the previous robotics conferences! In the past, the conferences typically had between 13-16 papers, but this time… BOOM! 28 papers! In this blog post, we will provide a list of these papers and give a general evaluation of the topics and themes covered so far.

So here some stats:

  • ICRA had 1655 papers accepted (43 % acceptance rate)
  • 28 Crazyflie papers (25 proceedings, 1 RA-L, 1RO-L, 1 late breaking result postor)
    • Haven’t included the workshop papers this time (no time)
  • The major topics we discovered were swarm coordination, safe trajectory planning, efficient autonomy, and onboard processing

Additionally, we came across a few notable posters, including one about a grappling hook for the Crazyflie [26], a human suit that allows for drone control [5], the Bolt made into a monocopter with a Jetson companion [16], and a flexible fixed-wing platform driven by a barebone Crazyflie [1]. We also observed a growing interest in aerial robotics with approximately 10% of all sessions dedicated to UAVs. Interestingly, 18 out of the 28 Crazyflie papers were presented in non-UAV specialized sessions, such as multi-robot systems and vision-based navigation.

Swarm coordination

Swarms were a hot topic at ICRA 2023 as already noticed by this tweet of Ramon Roche. We had over 10 papers dedicated to this topic, including one that involved 16 Crazyflies [9]. Surprisingly, more than half of the papers utilized multiple Crazyflies. This already sets a different landscape compared to IROS 2022, where autonomous navigation took center stage.

In IROS 2022, we witnessed single-drone gas mapping using a Crazyflie, but now it has been replicated in the Webots simulation using 2 Crazyflies [23]. Does this imply that we might witness a 3D gas localizing swarm at IROS 2023? We can’t wait.

Furthermore, we came across a paper [11] featuring the Bolt-based platform, which demonstrated flying formations while being attached to another platform using a string. It presented an intriguing control problem. Additionally, there was a work that combined safe trajectory planning with swarm coordination, enabling the avoidance of obstacles and people [12]. Moreover, there were some notable collaborations, such as robot pickup and delivery involving the Turtlebot 3 Burger [22].

Given the abundance of swarm papers, it’s impossible for us to delve into each of them, but it’s all very impressive work.

Safe trajectory planning and AI-deck

Another significant buzzword at ICRA was “safety-critical control.” This is important to ensuring safe control from a human interface [15] and employing it to facilitate reinforcement learning [27]. The latter approach is considered less “safe” in terms of designing controllers, as evidenced by the previous IROS competition, the Safe Robot Learning Competition. Although the Crazyflie itself is quite safe, it makes sense to first experiment with safe trajectories on it before applying them to larger drones.

Furthermore, we encountered approximately three papers related to the AIdeck. These papers covered various topics such as optical flow detection [17], visual pose estimation [21], and the detection of other Crazyflies [5]. During the conference, we heard that the AIdeck presents certain challenges for researchers, but we remain hopeful that we will see more papers exploring its potential in the future!

List of papers

This list not only physical Crazyflie papers, but also papers that uses simulation or parameters of the Crazyflie. This time the workshop papers are not included but we’ll add them later once we have the time


  1. ‘A Micro Aircraft with Passive Variable-Sweep Wings’ Songnan Bai, Runze Ding, Pakpong Chirarattananon from City University of Hong Kong
  2. ‘Onboard Controller Design for Nano UAV Swarm in Operator-Guided Collective Behaviors’ Tugay Alperen Karagüzel, Victor Retamal Guiberteau, Eliseo Ferrante from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  3. ‘Multi-Target Pursuit by a Decentralized Heterogeneous UAV Swarm Using Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning’ Maryam Kouzehgar, Youngbin Song, Malika Meghjani, Roland Bouffanais from Singapore University of Technology and Design [Video]
  4. ‘Inverted Landing in a Small Aerial Robot Via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Triggering and Control of Rotational Maneuvers’ Bryan Habas, Jack W. Langelaan, Bo Cheng from Pennsylvania State University [Video]
  5. ‘Ultra-Low Power Deep Learning-Based Monocular Relative Localization Onboard Nano-Quadrotors’ Stefano Bonato, Stefano Carlo Lambertenghi, Elia Cereda, Alessandro Giusti, Daniele Palossi from USI-SUPSI-IDSIA Lugano, ISL Zurich [Video]
  6. ‘A Hybrid Quadratic Programming Framework for Real-Time Embedded Safety-Critical Control’ Ryan Bena, Sushmit Hossain, Buyun Chen, Wei Wu, Quan Nguyen from University of Southern California [Video]
  7. ‘Distributed Potential iLQR: Scalable Game-Theoretic Trajectory Planning for Multi-Agent Interactions’ Zach Williams, Jushan Chen, Negar Mehr from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  8. ‘Scalable Task-Driven Robotic Swarm Control Via Collision Avoidance and Learning Mean-Field Control’ Kai Cui, MLI, Christian Fabian, Heinz Koeppl from Technische Universität Darmstadt
  9. ‘Multi-Agent Spatial Predictive Control with Application to Drone Flocking’ Andreas Brandstätter, Scott Smolka, Scott Stoller, Ashish Tiwari, Radu Grosu from Technische Universität Wien, Stony Brook University, Microsoft Corp, TU Wien [Video]
  10. ‘Trajectory Planning for the Bidirectional Quadrotor As a Differentially Flat Hybrid System’ Katherine Mao, Jake Welde, M. Ani Hsieh, Vijay Kumar from University of Pennsylvania
  11. ‘Forming and Controlling Hitches in Midair Using Aerial Robots’ Diego Salazar-Dantonio, Subhrajit Bhattacharya, David Saldana from Lehigh University [Video]
  12. ‘AMSwarm: An Alternating Minimization Approach for Safe Motion Planning of Quadrotor Swarms in Cluttered Environments’ Vivek Kantilal Adajania, Siqi Zhou, Arun Singh, Angela P. Schoellig from University of Toronto, Technical University of Munich, University of Tartu [Video]
  13. ‘Decentralized Deadlock-Free Trajectory Planning for Quadrotor Swarm in Obstacle-Rich Environments’ Jungwon Park, Inkyu Jang, H. Jin Kim from Seoul National University
  14. ‘A Negative Imaginary Theory-Based Time-Varying Group Formation Tracking Scheme for Multi-Robot Systems: Applications to Quadcopters’ Yu-Hsiang Su, Parijat Bhowmick, Alexander Lanzon from The University of Manchester, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
  15. ‘Safe Operations of an Aerial Swarm Via a Cobot Human Swarm Interface’ Sydrak Abdi, Derek Paley from University of Maryland [Video]
  16. ‘Direct Angular Rate Estimation without Event Motion-Compensation at High Angular Rates’ Matthew Ng, Xinyu Cai, Shaohui Foong from Singapore University of Technology and Design
  17. ‘NanoFlowNet: Real-Time Dense Optical Flow on a Nano Quadcopter’ Rik Jan Bouwmeester, Federico Paredes-valles, Guido De Croon from Delft University of Technology [Video]
  18. ‘Adaptive Risk-Tendency: Nano Drone Navigation in Cluttered Environments with Distributional Reinforcement Learning’ Cheng Liu, Erik-jan Van Kampen, Guido De Croon from Delft University of Technology
  19. ‘Relay Pursuit for Multirobot Target Tracking on Tile Graphs’ Shashwata Mandal, Sourabh Bhattacharya from Iowa State University
  20. ‘A Distributed Online Optimization Strategy for Cooperative Robotic Surveillance’ Lorenzo Pichierri, Guido Carnevale, Lorenzo Sforni, Andrea Testa, Giuseppe Notarstefano from University of Bologna [Video]
  21. ‘Deep Neural Network Architecture Search for Accurate Visual Pose Estimation Aboard Nano-UAVs’ Elia Cereda, Luca Crupi, Matteo Risso, Alessio Burrello, Luca Benini, Alessandro Giusti, Daniele Jahier Pagliari, Daniele Palossi from IDSIA USI-SUPSI, Politecnico di Torino, Università di Bologna, University of Bologna, SUPSIETH Zurich [Video]
  22. ‘Multi-Robot Pickup and Delivery Via Distributed Resource Allocation’ Andrea Camisa, Andrea Testa, Giuseppe Notarstefano from Università di Bologna [Video]
  23. ‘Multi-Robot 3D Gas Distribution Mapping: Coordination, Information Sharing and Environmental Knowledge’ Chiara Ercolani, Shashank Mahendra Deshmukh, Thomas Laurent Peeters, Alcherio Martinoli from EPFL
  24. ‘Finding Optimal Modular Robots for Aerial Tasks’ Jiawei Xu, David Saldana from Lehigh University
  25. ‘Statistical Safety and Robustness Guarantees for Feedback Motion Planning of Unknown Underactuated Stochastic Systems’ Craig Knuth, Glen Chou, Jamie Reese, Joseph Moore from Johns Hopkins University, MIT
  26. ‘Spring-Powered Tether Launching Mechanism for Improving Micro-UAV Air Mobility’ Felipe Borja from Carnegie Mellon university
  27. ‘Reinforcement Learning for Safe Robot Control Using Control Lyapunov Barrier Functions’ Desong Du, Shaohang Han, Naiming Qi, Haitham Bou Ammar, Jun Wang, Wei Pan from Harbin Institute of Technology, Delft University of Technology, Princeton University, University College London [Video]
  28. ‘Safety-Critical Ergodic Exploration in Cluttered Environments Via Control Barrier Functions’ Cameron Lerch, Dayi Dong, Ian Abraham from Yale University

We’re happy to announce that there is a new release of the software for the Crazyflie ecosystem! The new release is called 2023.06 and is available for download on github or through the python client.

Major changes

The main addition is an extended supervisor framework and updated arming functionality.

Extended supervisor framework

The purpose of the supervisor is (will be) to keep an eye on the Crazyflie and make sure that everything is fine. If it detects a problem it can take action to hopefully handle the situation in a way that is better for the Crazyflie as well as people close by. The supervisor taps into the stabilizer loop and has the power to take control of the motors when needed.

The current version actually behaves very much like the previous version, but the underlying framework has been re-written to enable better handling in the future. There are now well defined states that the Crazyflie goes through for preflight checks, when flying and after landing.


Basic arming functionality has been added, mainly intended for larger platforms with brushless motors. A manual action is required after preflight checks have passed, to let the Crayflie know that a human is in control. If the system is not armed, it is not possible to fly.

Arming is required by default for the Bolt platform. For the Crazyflie 2.X, there is an auto-arming feature that immediately arms the platform when the preflight checks have passed, that is it works like it used to do.

If you use a BigQuad deck, auto-arming will also be enabled by default (as it uses the Crazyflie 2.X platform) and the firmware should be rebuilt with the MOTORS_REQUIRE_ARMING kbuild config flag set to enable manual arming.

The arming functionality is built on top of the supervisor.

Updates to the python client

An arming button has been added to the flight tab in the client to support the new arming functionality.

An emergency stop button has also been added to the top of the client window that shuts down the motors immediately.

Updates to the python library

A new CRTP message has been added to arm/disarm the system. The CRTP version has been updated to version 6.

Note, if you are controlling a Bolt from a script (or any other platform with arming enabled) you have to send an arming message to the platform before you can fly.

Release details

The following versions were released. See each release for details.