The cfheadless client doesn't have a UI, it's run directly from the command line and is suited for headless hosts like the Raspberry Pi.
The script is located in the bin directory in the crazyflie-clients-python repository and client. Here's how to use the script:
$ bin/cfheadless -h
usage: cfheadless [-h] [-u URI] [-i INPUT] [-d] [-c CONTROLLER]
[--controllers] [-x]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --uri URI URI to use for connection to the Crazyradio dongle,
defaults to radio://0/10/250K
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Input mapping to use for the controller,defaults to
-d, --debug Enable debug output
Use controller with specified id, id defaults to 0
--controllers Only display available controllers and exit
The client is exited either by taking out the Crazyradio USB dongle or pressing Ctrl+C
Connect to a Crazyflie at channel 100 and speed 250Kbit using input mapping PS3_Mode_1
crazyflie-clients-python$ bin/cfheadless -u radio://0/100/250K -PS3_Mode_1