Generic Setpoint CRTP Port

This port allows to send setpoints to the platform. The philosophy is to be able to define setpoint packet format for each different use-case. As such this is a generic port that has one channel and one main packet format:

Port Channel Name
7 0 Generic setpoint

Generic setpoint

Generic setpoint packet format:

Byte Value Note
0 ID ID of the setpoint packet
1.. Payload Format defined per ID

Defined IDs:

ID Type
0 stop
1 Velocity World
2 Z Distance
3 CPPM Emulation
4 Altitude Hold
5 Hover
6 Full State
7 Position


This is a setpoint with no payload that stops the motors and disables the control loops. Should be sent when the Crazyflie is landed.

Velocity World

Velocity setpoint in the world coordinate together with a YAW rotation speed. Useful for a teleop mode in a local positioning system.

Payload format:

struct velocityPacket_s {
  float vx;        // m in the world frame of reference
  float vy;        // ...
  float vz;        // ...
  float yawrate;  // deg/s
} __attribute__((packed));

Z Distance

Set the Crazyflie absolute height and roll/pitch angles. Used for Z-ranger.

Payload format:

struct zDistancePacket_s {
  float roll;            // deg
  float pitch;           // ...
  float yawrate;         // deg/s
  float zDistance;        // m in the world frame of reference
} __attribute__((packed));

CPPM Emulation

CRTP packet containing an emulation of CPPM channels Channels have a range of 1000-2000 with a midpoint of 1500 Supports the ordinary RPYT channels plus up to MAX_AUX_RC_CHANNELS auxiliary channels. Auxiliary channels are optional and transmitters do not have to transmit all the data unless a given channel is actually in use (numAuxChannels must be set accordingly)

Current aux channel assignments:

  • AuxChannel0: set high to enable self-leveling, low to disable

Payload format:


static float s_CppmEmuRollMaxRateDps = 720.0f; // For rate mode
static float s_CppmEmuPitchMaxRateDps = 720.0f; // For rate mode
static float s_CppmEmuRollMaxAngleDeg = 50.0f; // For level mode
static float s_CppmEmuPitchMaxAngleDeg = 50.0f; // For level mode
static float s_CppmEmuYawMaxRateDps = 400.0f; // Used regardless of flight mode

struct cppmEmuPacket_s {
  struct {
      uint8_t numAuxChannels : 4;   // Set to 0 through MAX_AUX_RC_CHANNELS
      uint8_t reserved : 4;
  } hdr;
  uint16_t channelRoll;
  uint16_t channelPitch;
  uint16_t channelYaw;
  uint16_t channelThrust;
  uint16_t channelAux[MAX_AUX_RC_CHANNELS];
} __attribute__((packed));

Altitude Hold

Set the Crazyflie vertical velocity and roll/pitch angle.

Payload format:

struct altHoldPacket_s {
  float roll;            // rad
  float pitch;           // ...
  float yawrate;         // deg/s
  float zVelocity;       // m/s in the world frame of reference
} __attribute__((packed));


Set the Crazyflie absolute height and velocity in the body coordinate system.

Payload format:

struct hoverPacket_s {
  float vx;           // m/s in the body frame of reference
  float vy;           // ...
  float yawrate;      // deg/s
  float zDistance;    // m in the world frame of reference
} __attribute__((packed));

Full State

Set the full state.

Payload format:

struct fullStatePacket_s {
  int16_t x;         // position - mm
  int16_t y;
  int16_t z;
  int16_t vx;        // velocity - mm / sec
  int16_t vy;
  int16_t vz;
  int16_t ax;        // acceleration - mm / sec^2
  int16_t ay;
  int16_t az;
  int32_t quat;      // compressed quaternion, see quatcompress.h
  int16_t rateRoll;  // angular velocity - milliradians / sec
  int16_t ratePitch; //  (NOTE: limits to about 5 full circles per sec.
  int16_t rateYaw;   //   may not be enough for extremely aggressive flight.)
} __attribute__((packed));


Set the absolute position and orientation.

 struct positionPacket_s {
   float x;     // Position in m
   float y;
   float z;
   float yaw;   // Orientation in degrees
 } __attribute__((packed));