This class is used to re-scale a system based on various measurements.
Static methods
def calc_intersection_distance(vector1: LighthouseBsVector, vector2: LighthouseBsVector, bs_pose: Pose, cf_pose: Pose) ‑> float
Calculate distance between intersection points of rays on the plane defined by the lighthouse deck
def calc_intersection_point(vector: LighthouseBsVector, bs_pose: Pose, cf_pose: Pose) ‑> numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[+_ScalarType_co]]
Calculate the intersetion point of a lines and a plane. The line is the intersection of the two light planes from a base station, while the plane is defined by the lighthouse deck of the Crazyflie.
def scale_diagonals(bs_poses: dict[int, Pose], cf_poses: list[Pose], matched_samples: list[LhCfPoseSample], expected_diagonal: float) ‑> tuple[dict[int, cflib.localization.lighthouse_types.Pose], list[cflib.localization.lighthouse_types.Pose], float]
Scale a system based on where base station “rays” intersects the lighthouse deck in relation to sensor positions. Calculates the intersection points for all samples and scales the system to match the expected distance between sensors on the deck.
Name | Description |
bs_poses | a dictionary with the base station poses in the current reference frame |
cf_poses | List of CF poses |
matched_samples | List of samples. Length must be the same as cf_poses.:return: a tuple containing a dictionary with the base station poses in the scaled system, a list of Crazyflie poses in the scaled system and the scaling factor |
def scale_fixed_point(bs_poses: dict[int, Pose], cf_poses: list[Pose], expected: npt.ArrayLike, actual: Pose) ‑> tuple[dict[int, cflib.localization.lighthouse_types.Pose], list[cflib.localization.lighthouse_types.Pose], float]
Scale a system based on a position in the physical world in relation to where it is in the estimated system geometry. Assume the system is aligned and simply use the distance to the points for scaling.
Name | Description |
bs_poses | a dictionary with the base station poses in the current reference frame |
cf_poses | List of CF poses |
expected | The real world position to use as reference |
actual | The estimated position in the current system geometry:return: a tuple containing a dictionary with the base station poses in the scaled system, a list of Crazyflie poses in the scaled system and the scaling factor |