



A wrapper class to simplify usage of IPPE in CF code. Converts between CF style of coordinate systems/data structures and IPPE (Open CV) style.

Class variables


Static methods

def solve(U_cf: npt.ArrayLike, Q_cf: npt.ArrayLike) > list[Solution]

The solution to Perspective IPPE with point correspondences computed between points in world coordinates on the plane z=0, and normalised points in the camera’s image.

This is a wrapper function to convert from/to CF coordinate system/array style


Name Description
U_cf Nx3 matrix holding the model points in world coordinates.
Q_cf Nx2 matrix holding the points in the image. These are in normalised pixel coordinates. That is, the effects of the camera’s intrinsic matrix and lens distortion are corrected, so that the Q projects with a perfect pinhole model. First param: Y (positive to the left) Second param: Z (positive up):return: A list that contains 2 sets of pose solution from IPPE including rotation matrix translation matrix, and reprojection error. The first solution in the list has the smallest reprojection error.