
Used for sending high level setpoints to the Crazyflie.

The high level commander generates setpoints from within the firmware based on a predefined trajectory. This was merged as part of the Crazyswarm project of the USC ACT lab. The high level commander uses a planner to generate smooth trajectories based on actions like “take off”, “go to” or “land” with 7th order polynomials.




Used for sending high level setpoints to the Crazyflie

Initialize the object.

Class variables















def define_trajectory(self, trajectory_id, offset, n_pieces, type=0)

Define a trajectory that has previously been uploaded to memory.


Name Description
trajectory_id The id of the trajectory
offset Offset in uploaded memory
n_pieces Nr of pieces in the trajectory
type The type of trajectory data; TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D or TRAJECTORY_TYPE_POLY4D_COMPRESSED:return:

def go_to(self, x, y, z, yaw, duration_s, relative=False, linear=False, group_mask=0)

Go to an absolute or relative position.

The path is designed to transition smoothly from the current state to the target position, gradually decelerating at the goal with minimal overshoot. When the system is at hover, the path will be a straight line, but if there is any initial velocity, the path will be a smooth curve.

The trajectory is derived by solving for a unique 7th-degree polynomial that satisfies the initial conditions of position, velocity, and acceleration, and ends at the goal with zero velocity and acceleration. Additionally, the jerk (derivative of acceleration) is constrained to be zero at both the starting and ending points.

Warning! Avoid overlapping go_to commands. When a command is sent to a Crazyflie when another one is currently executed, the generated polynomial can take unexpected routes and have high peaks.


Name Description
x X (m)
y Y (m)
z Z (m)
yaw Yaw (radians)
duration_s Time it should take to reach the position (s)
relative True if x, y, z is relative to the current position
linear True to use linear interpolation instead of a smooth polynomial
group_mask Mask for which CFs this should apply to

def land(self, absolute_height_m, duration_s, group_mask=0, yaw=0.0)

vertical land from current x-y position to given height


Name Description
absolute_height_m Absolute (m)
duration_s Time it should take until target height is reached (s)
group_mask Mask for which CFs this should apply to
yaw Yaw (rad). Use current yaw if set to None.

def set_group_mask(self, group_mask=0)

Set the group mask that the Crazyflie belongs to


Name Description
group_mask Mask for which groups this CF belongs to

def spiral(self, angle, r0, rF, ascent, duration_s, sideways=False, clockwise=False, group_mask=0)

Follow a spiral-like segment (spline approximation of a spiral/arc for <= 90-degree segments)


Name Description
angle spiral angle (rad), limited to +/- 2pi
r0 initial radius (m), must be positive
rF final radius (m), must be positive
ascent altitude gain (m), positive to climb, negative to descent
duration_s time it should take to reach the end of the spiral (s)
sideways true if crazyflie should spiral sideways instead of forward
clockwise true if crazyflie should spiral clockwise instead of counter-clockwise
group_mask Mask for which CFs this should apply to

def start_trajectory(self, trajectory_id, time_scale=1.0, relative=False, reversed=False, group_mask=0)

starts executing a specified trajectory


Name Description
trajectory_id Id of the trajectory (previously defined by define_trajectory)
time_scale Time factor; 1.0 = original speed; >1.0: slower; <1.0: faster
relative Set to True, if trajectory should be shifted to current setpoint
reversed Set to True, if trajectory should be executed in reverse
group_mask Mask for which CFs this should apply to:return:

def stop(self, group_mask=0)

stops the current trajectory (turns off the motors)


Name Description
group_mask Mask for which CFs this should apply to:return:

def takeoff(self, absolute_height_m, duration_s, group_mask=0, yaw=0.0)

vertical takeoff from current x-y position to given height


Name Description
absolute_height_m Absolute (m)
duration_s Time it should take until target height is reached (s)
group_mask Mask for which CFs this should apply to
yaw Yaw (rad). Use current yaw if set to None.