We are happy to announce that release 2024.10 is now available! Special thanks to our community contributors for their valuable input and code contributions in this release!
Release overview
crazyflie-firmware release 2024.10 GitHub
crazyflie2-nrf-firmware release 2024.10 GitHub
crazyflie2-nrf-bootloader release 2024.10 GitHub
cfclient (crazyflie-clients-python) release 2024.10 GitHub, PyPI
cflib (crazyflie-lib-python) release 0.1.27 on GitHub, PyPI
User upgrade notice
While older versions may still function, users are encouraged to upgrade:
- Minimum supported Python version changed to 3.10
- Supported Ubuntu versions changed to 22.04 and 24.04
Major changes
- Enhanced out-of-tree (OOT) kbuild configuration, allowing users to perform full Kconfig configuration for app layer applications.
- Introduced recovery functionality, allowing users or scripts to safely re-enable the system after a crash without reboot.
- Added a timeout for auto-disarming, allowing the system to remain armed during brief landings in manual arming mode.
- Introduced a workaround for PID derivative kick, improving the performance of the PID controller during large setpoint changes (#1337, #1403).
- Spiral and constant velocity high-level commander segments (#1410).
- Changed BLE name format to include part of the NRF MAC address, allowing users to easily differentiate between Crazyflies.
- Added support for the upcoming Crazyflie 2.1 Brushless.
For detailed release notes, check out the individual releases on GitHub. Links can be found in the release overview above.